transition table

[trænˈzɪʃən ˈtebəl][trænˈziʃən ˈteibl]


  • The transition depth of snow to ice there was 38-39m above it density increased gradually downward but at rather high rate below that depth due to appearance of water table reaching 900kg / m 3 in 5-6m interval .

    主冰穹顶成冰深度为38- 39m,此深度以上密度自上而下缓慢增加,但以下由于含水层的出现,密度迅速升高,在5-6m区间达到 900kg/m3。

  • Using the counting process equation the paper analyses the estimation of transition probabilities p ij ( s t ) for multistate life table gives the estimations of the number of sample for each state and covariance and discusses the asymptotic theory for this estimation .

    用计数过程方程讨论了多状态寿命 转移概率估计,给出了各状态人口数估计和协方差估计,并讨论了相应估计的渐近理论。

  • We use the state transition table to form oscillation rings and generate patterns by searching valid states through traversing input sequences .

    而藉由输入序列来寻找有效之状态,我们使用状态 转换 来建构振荡环及产生图样。

  • When designing the digital filter by the technique the value of transition bands sample obtained by searching for table must be confirmed in order to make the attenuation in the stopband maximal .

    文中介绍了遗传算法在频率采样技术中的应用,结合 FIR数字 通、带通滤波器设计的两个例子,给出了算法实现的具体操作步骤和实验结果。

  • A compressed algorithm of state transition table based on sparse matrix is proposed . And based on the algorithm an optimization strategy is presented by combining the alphabet compressed algorithm .

    设计了一种基于稀疏矩阵存储的 状态 压缩算法,同字符表压缩算法结合,给出了该算法的优化策略。

  • In the fault-tolerant mechanism transition hashing table was used to record unstable connection when firewall component came into failure or came back to work which could avoid existed connections broken due to the transformation of algorithm parameter .

    容错机制在防火墙组件失效或恢复正常时利用基于连接调度的 过渡列表记录不稳定连接,避免已有连接因算法参数改变而失效。

  • By dividing the transition table into three tables the commom elements in every row and every column in each table were compressed .

    转换 拆分成三个表,分别对表中各行和各列大量存在的相同元素进行压缩。

  • This feature allows access to what is known as transition tables in triggers .

    该特性允许访问 触发器中所谓的过渡 transition table)。

  • Formal Design and Implementation is including : designing finite state machine model of the communication protocol of monitor state transition rules function and state transition table the communication process of the PLC and host monitoring was designed .

    监控通信协议的设计与实现包括:监控通信协议的有限状态机模型设计,状态转移规则函数和状态 转移 ,在此基础上设计了PLC与上位监控机的通信流程,最后给出了报文数据格式。

  • All that DB2 does is to allow an UPDATE DELETE and INSERT to appear in the FROM clause of a select and allow the user to chose which transition table shall be selected from

    DB2所做的就是允许UPDATE、DELETE和INSERT出现在选择语句的FROM子句中,并允许用户选择应该从哪个 过渡 进行选择

  • Furthermore the transition table and key code described by C + + are presented in this paper .

    并给出便于实现的 状态 和关键c++代码。

  • As the value of transition bands sample is obtained by GA the problem that the value obtained by searching for table method is not the optimal can be solved .

    用遗传算法确定 过渡带样本值,解决了传统方法(查 法)不能保证数据是最优的问题;

  • Method for view-generation and algorithm for interpolation are analyzed . And ways to determine proper index values of transition time and pin capacitance used in the lookup table of Synopsys model are also explained along with the characterization types and its extraction theory .

    详细分析了模块视图产生的方法、插值算法、Synopsys模型中查找 变时间与负载电容索引点的合理取值、以及全定制模块特征值的类型及提取原理。

  • It has three data fields for the list of QNames the DFA recognizes : ( symbols ) the transition table ( dtran ) and the accepting states ( astate ) .

    它有三个分别用于DFA识别的QName列表的数据字段:(symbols)、 转换 (dtran)和接受状态(astate)。

  • The calculating method of distribution and transition coefficient was introduced and a function table between distribution coefficient and relative development stage was established .

    并且在此基础上结合文献资料,对冬小麦光合产物在各器官中的分配和 转移系数的计算方法进行了探讨,分析了两者随相对发育阶段(RDS)的变化规律,并建立了函数

  • The OLD TABLE transition table holds the original state of the affected rows before they are processed by the UPDATE or DELETE statement .

    OLDTABLE 过渡 保存了受影响的行在被UPDATE或DELETE语句处理之前的初始状态。