work statement

[wɚk ˈstetmənt][wə:k ˈsteitmənt]


  • Most audit work on cash is done working from the bank statement .

    现金审计的绝大部分审计 工作都从银行对 账单开始。

  • Huang says his US $ 20 treatments work in most patients a statement he backs up with videotapes and anecdotal accounts from previous clients .

    黄红云说,他的这种花费2万美元的手术在大多数病人身上 见效。他用录像带和以前病人的逸事来支持他的这种 说法

  • Police from the four will work together to restore shipping and guarantee security along the river the statement said .

    四国警方将 联手恢复船只 运行,保证湄公河上往来安全。

  • Confirming amalgamation range correctly is the basement to work out amalgamation accounting statement This thesis will discuss the question about amalgamation range and some knowledge that correlates with it . The thesis is made up of three parts .

    合理地确定合并范围是正确 编制合并会计 报表的前提。本文主要讨论合并范围以及与之相关的问题,由三部分组成。

  • Roy Price vice president for Amazon Studios said that the company was thrilled to work with Mr. Allen whom he described in a statement as having created some of the best movies ever .

    亚马逊工作室的副总裁罗伊·普赖斯(RoyPrice)称,该公司为能与艾伦 合作感到兴奋。他在一项 声明中说,艾伦创作了史上最好的一些电影。

  • The tasks of the liquidation committee are : to conduct through check of the property of the joint venture company its claim and indebtedness ; to work out the statement of assets and liabilities and list of property ; to formulate a liquidation plan .

    清算委员会任务是对合营公司的财产、债权、债务进行全面清查, 编制资产负债 和财产目录,制定清算方案。

  • Before issuing the COMMIT you could roll back the work using the ROLLBACK statement .

    在发出COMMIT之前,可以使用ROLLBACK 语句回滚 工作

  • Every Party member every branch of work every statement and every action must proceed from the interests of the whole Party ; it is absolutely impermissible to violate this principle .

    每一个党员,每一种局部 工作,每一 言论或行动,都必须以全党利益为出发点,绝对不许可违反这个原则。

  • He also said the council had made a move to address one of the protesters'demands starting work on a statement of principles that will guide the process of writing a new constitution .

    他还表示,安理会此举是为了解决示威者的要求之一,开始 工作的原则,将引导写一部新宪法的过程中 声明

  • Issuing a COMMIT records all the work since the last COMMIT statement for keeps in the database .

    发出COMMIT会将自上一个COMMIT 语句之后的所有 工作“永远”记录到数据库中。

  • When you step back a little and assess the record of Obama on gay rights you see in fact that this was not an aberration . It was an inevitable culmination of three years of work Mr Sullivan said in a statement about the article .

    苏利文在关于这篇文章的 声明中写道:当你回顾一下,评估奥巴马在有关同性恋权利方面的记录,你会发现他支持同性婚姻并不奇怪。这无疑是其三年总统 工作的一个顶峰。

  • In addition it also explains the work package the product tree the product matrix the statement of work and technical specification through some practical examples .

    工作包、产品树、产品矩阵、工作 说明和技术规范也有详细的描述,并通过实例说明了编制方法。

  • If the correction is to delete the problematic row data delete the row using the BEGIN WORK WITHOUT REPLICATION statement .

    如果更正措施是删除有问题的行数据,那么使用BEGIN WORKWITHOUTREPLICATION 语句删除行。

  • The students answer the questions as a group and then proceed to work on the problem statement .

    学生以组为 单位来回答 预备问题,然后在著手进行下一个步骤。

  • However the more I work in Ernst and Young the more I think such statement is wrong .

    而我在安永的 工作时间越长,我越发觉得这种 说法是错误的。

  • New evidence is found that IAQ can affect external audit fees and external auditors rely on the work of internal auditors in performing a financial statement audit to some extent .

    说明内部审计质量是能够影响审计定价的,也表明从一定程度上而言,外部审计在财务 报表审计过程中依赖了内部审计的 工作,二者存在相互替代的关系。

  • Since then his family and collaborators have continued his work in the same spirit of humour and creativity IMPS said in a statement .

    IMPS集团在一份 声明中说,皮尤去世后,他的家人和合作方秉承了他“幽默与勇于创造”的精神,继续他的 事业

  • The WBS represents the work specified in the current approved project scope statement .

    工作分解结构是当前批准的项目范围 说明书规定的 工作

  • Issue stop work order and resume work order for unit work examine & approve and sign work acceptance and pricing table project payment certificate and project statement ;

    签发单位工程停工令、复工令,审核并签署验 计价表、工程付款凭证和工程 结算

  • It wished every success for the work of the session while supporting the statement made by Nigeria on behalf of the African group .

    它希望会议 工作取得圆满成功,同时还支持尼日利亚代表非洲集团的 发言

  • The article points out many frequent questions in the practical work of cataloguing title and statement of responsibility gives a further analysis to the causes of mistakes then puts forward some views on the cataloguing development in the future .

    摘要本文从实践出发,指出了著录 题名与责任者过程中经常出现的问题,分析了错误产生的原因,并对今后编目发展提出了自己的看法。

  • He set to work to draft his statement to the magistrate .

    着手给大法官起草 证词

  • While her work does not posit an overt political statement it originates from a desire to respo nd to the contemporary situation of Mexican Americans by expressing positive images of their culture .

    尽管她的 作品未提出公开的政治 宣言,但却是发源于通过描述墨美文化中的正面形象来反映墨美人目前处境的愿望。

  • Work out safety technology measurement program according to the scene statement of labor health and safety .

    根据现场劳动安全卫生 状况 编制安全技术措施计划。

  • The JV Company shall work out the statement of assets and liabilities and losses and gains accounts of the past year in the first three months of each fiscal year and submit to the board meeting for approval after examined and signed by the auditor .

    合营公司财务部门应在每一个会计年度头一个月 编制上一个会计年度的资产负债表和损益 计算书,经审计师审核签字后,提交董事会会议通过。

  • In order to query all employees that work in the same department as the current user use this statement

    要查询当前用户所在部门的全部 员工,使用以下 语句