word format

[wɚd ˈfɔrˌmæt][wə:d ˈfɔ:mæt]


  • The second is Four word format short sentences including paratactic structure infrequently-used structure and subject-predicate structure .

    二是四 格式的短句比喻,主要有并列结构、偏正结构和主谓结构三种。

  • Paper-upload sub-module provides the following features : word format documents analyzing word format documents dividing question property setting ( add modify delete ) and the questions storing .

    其中试卷上传子模块提供以下功能: word 格式试卷文档的解析、word格式试卷文档的分割、单个试题属性的管理(添加、修改、删除)、关联试题的存储等功能。

  • Over its lifetime the project has accumulated many documents most of them in Word format .

    经历了这几年,该项目已经积累了许多文档,大多数都是 Word 格式

  • Ane-version of the Quotation ( in WORD format ) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time .

    同时提供单独密封的价格表电子版本一份( WORD 格式)。

  • The focus will be on rich text format and Word document format and understand the tool terminologies how data migration takes place and how the migration operation works .

    关注点是富文本格式和 Word文件 格式,并理解工具的术语、数据迁移是怎样进行的、迁移操作是如何发挥作用的。

  • Besides we applied VBA technology in realizing shifting test paper records automatically into written test paper of a Word document format . All kernel functions of the system are launched by means of ActiveX DLL components of COM technology .

    利用VBA技术,将试卷记录自动转换为 Word文档 格式的笔试卷。系统的核心功能均以基于COM技术的ActivexDLL组件进行发布。

  • This difference represents not only in word format but also the significance behind .

    这种卓尔不群,不仅体现在 文字 形式上,更隐含在背后的意义里。

  • The Automatic Generation of the Complex Word Format Examination Paper Based on ASP and VBA Technical

    基于ASP和VBA技术自动生成复杂 word 格式试卷

  • This paper discusses thinking characteristics of words creativity and form and application of various words combination and points out space usage of word format design .

    论述了文字的创意与创形的思维特征及文字多种组合形式的应用,提出了 文字 版式设计的空间运用。

  • Microsoft is not without such ability because WORD has modify the design of acquiescent format .

    微软并非没有这样的能力,因为 WORD就有修改默认 格式的设计。

  • Several Methods of Translation Between Word Text Format and Word Picture Format

    Word 文本与图片格式互相转化的几种方法

  • You 'll store the XML within the new Word format within the XML column rather than in a Character Large Object ( CLOB ) .

    您将把新的 Word 格式中的XML存储在XML列中,而不是一个CharacterLargeObject(CLOB)中。

  • This article will help you move existing requirements currently stored in a Microsoft Word document ( . doc ) format or as Rich Text Format ( . rtf ) to the DOORS toolset .

    本文将会帮助您将当前以Microsoft Word文件(.doc) 格式或者RichTextFormat(.rtf)存储的已有需求,迁移到DOORS工具集。

  • It is described in detail the method of transformation from familiar document format such as PDF and Word to XML middle document format . We have accomplished some document contents extraction tasks based on the XML middle document .

    详述了将常用的文档 格式如PDF、 Word等转换为XML中间文档的方法。在这个XML中间文档的基础上进行了文本内容特征提取的工作。

  • Based on practice this paper introduces several methods of translation between Word text format and Word picture format .

    基于实践,介绍了 Word 文本与图片格式互相转化的几种方法。

  • Software Quality Assurance in Microsoft Word Format

    微软 WORD 格式中的软件质量保证

  • Only in the book to see all of the words line word as well as writing format .

    只有在书里才能看到所有的句行, 单词,还有写作的 格式

  • A text editor or word processor that can save in plain text format .

    一个能够保存纯文本 文件的文本编辑器或 文字处理软件。

  • This paper introduces methods to show plain text ? word format document or RTF format document in various controls under Visual Basic environment .

    介绍在VB中将纯文本文件、 Word 格式文件、RTF格式文件中的内容显示在不同控件中的方法。

  • The tester can choose from either Excel or Word and then bring these scripts into Manual Tester format .

    测试者可以选择把Excel或者 Word脚本转化为ManualTester 格式

  • Vim associates some word to be a keyword using the format : syntax keyword

    Vim使用以下 格式把特定的 单词标识为关键字:syntaxkeyword

  • Although you cannot upload the format beyond JPG and PNG also should not use the word that waits for a format to cause an user extremely easily to misunderstand so .

    即使你不能上传JPG和PNG以外的格式也不应该用 格式 这样极易造成用户误解的 字眼

  • For detailed course descriptions please download our brochure in MS Word format here . Note : password is required to open the file .

    查询华大各班课程要求的详情,请 按下 连线。注意:打开文件将需密码。

  • It designs a WORD document template 's format and security protection policy and verify the practicality and efficiency of this project in the environment of a actual science management information system .

    该方案对 WORD文档模板的 格式化和安全保护策略进行了设计,并在某科研管理信息系统实施中验证了它的实用性和有效性。

  • With word processing you can easily format your document By pressing one or two keys .

    文字处理,你只要按一两个键就可以很容易地把文件的 格式定好。

  • It implements the wysiwyg mode of report output and the import function is very powerful not only can import the word format of monitoring instruments but also all kinds of excel format report also can import directly .

    实现了所见即所得模式的报表输出,而且导入功能非常强大,不仅可以导入 word 格式监督文书,各种excel格式的报表也可以直接导入。

  • There are several ways of transforming pictures of Word documents into the format of JPG before these pictures are registered in Founder System .

    期刊编排中, Word文档图片在导入方正系统前转换为JPG 格式的方式有多种。

  • Both single and multi-factor signals are available to acquire / process according to the control word format input when cutting .

    在切削时,单 板机根据所输入的控制 进行相应地单因素、多因素信号采集与处理。