word mark

[wɚd mɑrk][wə:d mɑ:k]


  • A control word is a specially formatted command that RTF uses to mark printer control codes and information that applications use to manage documents .

    控制 是一种特殊的RTF用来 标记打印机控制符的格式化命令,也是程序用来管理文档样式的格式化信息。

  • Select the word name without selecting the paragraph mark and click ok .

    选择 单词 name”,而不选择段落 标记,然后单击“确定”。

  • The most mark technical of Operation problem on Office were limited to operation of simple text in Word and Excel content the processing class of complex image is little .

    关于Office操作题的 评阅技术多数都局限于 Word和Excel中简单文字内容的操作上,关于复杂图片类对象的操作处理实现得很少。

  • Primary stress / accent ie the strongest stress given to a syllable in a word or compound ( shown in this dictionary by the mark ` )

    主重音,第一重音(标注于 单词或复合结构的音节上的最强的重音,本词典中以 `’ 表示)。

  • And analyze how the Chinese character symbol expression ; resemble the superiority and the Latin word mark table internationalization concise advantages . Finally the field of visual communication discusses the text in the packaging design web design advertising design the application of different media .

    并试析了汉字标志表意、象形的优势与拉丁 文字 标志表音、国际化、简洁的优势。最后,就视觉传达领域,探讨了文字在包装设计、网页设计、广告设计不同媒介的应用。

  • A symbol or word used to represent a number . Shall we put a comma a question mark a semi-colon or a hyphen here ?

    数字表示数的符号或 这儿该用逗号、 问号、破折号、分号还是连字符号?

  • In the written Chinese they are successively written between character and character word and word word has not obvious mark in the sentence .

    在书面汉语中,字与字、词与词是连写的, 在句中没有显式的 标记

  • Neither owns the word on its own only in context and owning a mark doesn 't mean complete control .

    没有特定的上下文,两者都不能单独拥有这个 的版权保护,因此拥有一个 标记并不意味着拥有完全的支配权。

  • Delete : To take out letter figure word or passage . In proof reading a symbol is used as the proofreader 's mark .

    数字表示数的符号或字删除:把字母,数字, 词句或段落删去。校对时,用删除符号 标记

  • Language facts show that De has three main functions : suffix form word and mark of part of speech .

    语言事实表明,现代汉语的有三种主要的语法功能:作为黏着语素(后缀)、作为独 的语法单位( 虚词)、 作为所译外语词性的 标记

  • It takes position word and location word as one syntactic semantic mark of Chinese category of space time analysis and describes the semantic system construct an analysis model .

    把方位词、处所 作为汉语时空范畴下的一个重要句法语义 标志,深入语义内部,进行系统的语义分析和描写,建立方位词、处所词语义组合模型。