work document

[wɚk ˈdɑkjəmənt][wə:k ˈdɔkjumənt]


  • Documents-create or work with documents and document revisions .

    文档(Documents)&创建文档或者使用文档及 文档修订的 工作

  • Do you get to write regular beans or will you have to work with awkward document representations ?

    是可以编写普通的bean,还是不得不 处理笨拙的 文档表示?

  • This paper discussed the relationship between accepts aesthetics and library documents with readers also discussed the application accept aesthetics theory in research and guidance work of library document and reader accept theory sublime the theoretical connotation of documents and reader working under the new library service mode .

    探讨接受美学在图书馆中与馆藏文献、读者的关系,将接受美学理论用于图书馆 文献和读者接受理论的研究指导 工作中,升华图书馆新服务模式下文献和读者工作的理论内涵。

  • Research on the Work of Local Document in Shantou Library

    汕头市图书馆地方 文献 工作研究

  • You can still work in your document even though you don 't enable the macro .

    即使您不启用宏,您仍可以在 文档 执行 操作

  • How to Do the Work on Donated Document in University Libraries

    如何做好高校图书馆的捐赠 文献 工作

  • In this paper the author thinks that there are obstacles in technology management and basic work to the document resources sharing in China .

    中国 文献资源共享存在着技术方面、管理方面和基础 工作方面的障碍。

  • Complete the following six modules : document receipt module enterprise information management module management module of the work schedule the work of the document management module e-mail module and other functional modules .

    主要完成了以下六大功能模块:公文签收模块,企业资讯管理模块,工作日程管理模块, 工作 文档管理模块,企业邮件模块,其他功能模块。

  • If you want to update all the work items in a document to reflect the latest values in the work item database you will have to refresh the document .

    如果想要更新 文档中的所有 工作项以反映工作项数据库中的最新值,必须刷新文档。

  • Library ought strengthen service work of moviola document in the nationalities universities of the western China

    西部民族高校图书馆应加强音像 文献服务 工作

  • The professional knowledge and qualifications of document control engineer and the tools methods and work flow of document control are described based upon the characteristics of project documents .

    从工程项目文档的特点入手,对 文档控制所涉及的相关知识,从业人员要求,采用的工具、方法及 工作流程等进行了综合论述。

  • They expect to work with an entire document or at least an entire subtree of a document .

    它们希望 处理整个 文档,或者至少是文档中一个完整的子树。

  • I hope that joint work on this document will bring Russia and the EU closer together .

    我希望在这份 文件上的 合作,将使俄罗斯和欧盟之间的关系更为紧密。

  • Its retrieval subsystem realized constructing indexer database memory design and searcher design on the basis of relative work such as document data process information extracting . Finally the system realized Full-text Retrieval .

    其中检索部分在 文档数据加工、信息筛选的基础上,完成构建索引、数据记录存储、检索器设计和索引优化,最终实现了全文检索。

  • How to do the work on donated Document in libraries

    图书馆怎样做好捐赠 文献 工作

  • How to do the work on donated Document in libraries ;

    图书馆 文献管理 工作是一种特殊的实践活动。

  • Although XM relies primarily on XML it needs to work with other document types such as images office documents and PDF files .

    虽然XM主要依靠XML,但是也需要 处理其他 文档类型,如图像、办公文档和PDF文件。

  • To enhance consciousness carry forward the filing work of electronic document

    强化意识推进电子 文件的归档 工作

  • It is his routine work to place the document on file .

    他每天的 工作就是把 文件归档。

  • This may work in a closed loop where an application reads the document it has produced but it is unlikely to work in a production environment where several applications work on the document .

    在封闭的环境中,应用程序读取自己生成的文档,这种方法可能奏效,但是在多个应用程序 使用 文档的产品环境不大可能。

  • As a very important part of administrative work document processing is time-consuming and labor-intensive manual handling has a serious shortcoming in timeliness and correctness .

    作为企事业单位政务 工作中非常重要的一部分, 公文处理耗时耗力,手工处理方式在时效性和正确性方面有着很大的弊端。

  • In a real application you will often need to work with the XML document in more depth .

    在实际的应用程序中,您经常 更加深入的使用xml 文档

  • Taking a little time overthe course of several weeks to work on this document is better thanrushing to complete your resume all at once especially if you need touse it in a hurry .

    在几个星期之内花 工夫准备好这个 文件要比到时候匆忙赶出来要好得多,尤其是当你有急用的时候。

  • Basically you create classes to set up the DOM to work with your XML document filter the XML nodes and process the results of that filter .

    基本上,您创建类来设置DOM使其与XML 文档 一起 工作,过滤XML节点,并处理过滤器的结果。

  • But the documents and materials included in the Si Ku Quan Shu are limited so the work of document preservation propagation and processing is relatively backward . At the same time some valuable scholars are neglected by the researchers .

    但由于关学史上的很多文献资料未被四库 全书收录,所以 文献的保存、传播和整理相对滞后。同时一些有价值有特色的学者更是被研究者忽视和遗忘。

  • From description of information resources and the work of document resources entirely construction this paper analysis the main viewpoint of simplifying catalogue of cataloging study .

    针对 目前我国图书馆学界有关简化编目的主要观点,从信息资源描述和全国 文献资源整体化建设角度出发分别给予分析并提出了不同的观点。

  • Solutions will help you work with this document . Please choose the solution that you would like to attach .

    解决方案将帮助您 使用文档。请选择要附加的解决方案。