wrist fracture

[rɪst ˈfræktʃɚ][rist ˈfræktʃə]

[医] 腕骨骨折

  • They had no previous history of acute or chronic disease of the wrist and no wrist or forearm fracture history .

    入选标准为既往无急、慢性腕关节疾病及 腕部和臂 骨折病史。

  • 40 cases of wrist instability happened at the early stage of fracture the rate was 48.8 % .

    骨折早期合并 关节不稳40例,发生率为48.8%。

  • To remove blood stasis dredging lotion with functional exercise can promote Colles fractures fixed with the team after the early clinical wrist fracture healing function recovery . 2 .

    结论:1.化瘀通络洗剂配合功能锻炼,能明显促进Colles骨折支具外固定后 骨折临床愈合早期 关节功能康复。

  • Objective To analyze the relationship between wrist function following distal radial fracture and the stability of distal radio-ulnar joint stability ( DRUJ ) to assess the reason affecting the stability of DRUJ after distal radial fracture .

    目的分析桡骨远端骨折后 腕部功能与远侧桡尺关节(DRUJ)稳定性之间的关系,探讨桡骨远端 骨折影响DRUJ稳定性的原因。

  • Functions of wrist joint in cases with wrist joint instability were significantly inferior than that with simple distal radical fracture after fracture union .

    骨折愈合后,合并 关节不稳定的功能明显差于单纯桡骨远端 骨折患者。

  • Results : 11 cases of acetabular fracture surgery in9 cases 25 cases of tibial plateau fracture surgery in22 cases ( 22 cases bone graft ) 20 cases of wrist fracture surgery 18 routine .

    结果:11例髋臼骨折中9例行手术治疗,25例胫骨平台骨折中22例行手术治疗(22例行植骨),20例 关节 骨折中18例行手术治疗。

  • Fractures caused by indirect force fall down elbow straight forearm pronation wrist dorsiflexion with hands palm down the stress at the distal radius fracture .

    骨折多由于间接外力引起,摔倒时,肘部伸直,前臂旋前, 腕部背伸,手掌着地,应力作用于桡骨远端而 发生 骨折

  • Conclusions It should be noticed whether wrist joint stability was complicated in colles fracture with severe dislocation or high energy injury .

    结论对骨折移位严重或高能量损伤的Colles 骨折,要注意是否合并 关节不稳定。

  • Conclusion Closed reduction and external fixator or external fixator and percutaneous pins can acquire the ideal dissection and recovery with the wrist joint function in treating distal radius explode fracture .

    结论桡骨远端爆裂 骨折采用手法整复外固定架或外固定架加克氏针固定能获得理想的解剖复位和 关节功能恢复。

  • Recently with the development of wrist biomechanics and microscope anatomy more and more studies were made to treat distal radius fracture .

    近年来,随着 腕部生物力学及显微解剖学的发展,对桡骨远端 骨折的治疗研究日益增多。

  • Wrist Instability in Colles Fracture and the Closed Reduction ( 82 cases analysis attached )

    Colles 骨折及保守治疗中发生 关节不稳定(附82例分析)

  • Based on the experience of using plaster casts and splints and measured lenght of forearm and circumference of wrist of 120 normal men and 60 cases Colles fracture patients . We have designed a new type of fixator the Colles fracture clamp .

    通过总结夹板、石膏复位固定治疗经验并对120例健康常人及60例Coles 骨折患者前臂长度、 周径测量得出参数而设计出的Coles骨折夹,为验证骨折夹疗效。

  • Last night speaking before the game to sky McClaren said : frank has taken a blow to his wrist and has a hairline fracture . it 's not worth taking the risk .

    昨晚在比赛前,麦克拉伦对天空体育记者说:“弗兰克 手腕有轻微的 骨折,没必要让他冒险。”

  • Methods Fifteen cases were removed the unhealed wrist bone and fixed the fracture with Kirschner 's pins and then were planted by rotating radius bone flap with antebrachii arteria dorsales interossea anterior .

    方法切除 舟骨骨折不愈合之硬化骨,以克氏针贯穿固定 骨折端,用带骨间掌侧动脉背侧支血管蒂桡骨瓣翻转移植治疗腕舟骨骨折不愈合15例。

  • Conclusions : This method was simple with minimum trauma to wrist vasculature significantly shorted bone union time and was especially suitable in the cases of old carpal scaphoid bone fracture .

    结论:该术式操作简便,对 腕部血管网破坏小,可明显缩短骨折愈合时间,特别适用于陈旧性腕舟骨 骨折