written guarantee

[ˈrɪtn ˌɡærənˈti][ˈrɪtn ˌɡærənˈti:]

结[法] 书面证据,保证书

  • Letter of credit is a written document from bank to the beneficiary ( exporter ) to guarantee the responsibility of paying for the imported goods under the request of the importer .

    信用证是银行根据进口商的请求,开给受益人(出口商)的一种 保证承担支付货款责任的 书面凭证,它是商业习惯的产物而不是法律的创制物。

  • If Party A decides not to provide such guarantee Party A shall issue a written notice to Party B immediately and Party B shall seek a guarantee from other third party .

    如果甲方决定不提供此类担保,那么甲方应当立即向乙方发出 书面通知并且乙方应当寻求其他第三方获得此类 担保

  • A written guarantee that a system or computer program complies with its specified requirements .

    一个系统或计算机程序符合规定要求的一种 书面 证明

  • The University insisted on a written guarantee of good conduct from his uncle .

    大学坚持要他的叔叔 一份良好行为的 书面 保证

  • Journal of cash bank deposit should the basis closes pay proof of charge to an account chase a pen to register orderly according to business happening at any time daily cease should written guarantee a remaining sum .

    现金、银行存款日记账,应根据收、付款记账凭证,随时按照业务发生顺序 逐笔登记,每日终了应结出余额。

  • Shall in any way release the Guarantor from any liability under the above - written Guarantee .

    均不解除保证人所承担之上述 保证 规定的义务。

  • No misgivings : Our extensive 3 year written guarantee is proof of quality .

    没有担忧:我们的3年 书面 用实在证明了质量的可靠。

  • The sapphire ( BLUE SAPHIERE ) is high-grade goods will provide an international acknowledgment the quality written guarantee .

    蓝宝石(BLUESAPHIERE)是其中的上品,会提供一份国际承认的品质 保证

  • The Fundamental Guarantee for Development of Spoken and Written Language In Case of Guarantee

    语言 文字事业发展的根本 保证& 国家通用语言文字法颁布周年有感