written protest

[ˈrɪtn ˈprotɛst][ˈrɪtn ˈprəutest]

[法] 书面抗议,抗议书

  • News programs have virtually been written off in Scotland and we expect huge disruption across the BBC again today Dear said Saturday speaking at a protest in Glasgow Scotland .

    “新闻节目在苏格兰实际上已完全 无用和我们期待巨大的破坏今天再一次横扫英国广播公司,”迪尔星期六在苏格兰格拉斯哥 抗议演说中说。

  • It is proposed that civil procurators in reopening a case should ( 1 ) to read aloud the written protest : ( 2 ) to declare the viewpoints in court ;

    检察员出席再审法庭的任务是:(1)宣读 抗诉 ;(2)发表出庭意见;

  • But the Act also provided that this right would be protected through a written protest procedure rather than a trial-type hearing .

    但该法还规定,此项权利须通过 书面 抗议程序而非审判式听证予以保障。

  • He published a written protest and invited others to follow his example .

    他发表了一份 书面 抗议,同时敦请别人也仿效他的做法。