writing rate

[ˈraɪtɪŋ ret][ˈraitiŋ reit]


  • Abecedarian implementation has shown that this technique has less 11.3 % response time compared with LRU policy when writing files and has more cache hit rate compared with LRU .

    初步的实现结果表明,分类的缓存延迟 技术比LRU的缓存策略有更短的系统响应时间, 文件的反馈时间减少了11.3%,并且使用RWB策略的缓存命中 比使用LRU策略高。

  • However writing has long been a weak aspect of Chinese students so the scoring rate in Chinese students ' writing is generally low .

    可是 写作 能力长期以来一直是中国学生的薄弱环节,在写作这一块的得分 都普遍偏低。

  • In the meantime in-line estimating the bandwidth of defocusing signal and accordingly adjusting the writing rate can increase the writing efficiency .

    同时,在线估算离焦信号的带宽,以此调节 刻划 速度,可大大提高刻划的效率。

  • This year that ratio at JPMorgan has shot up to 178 meaning it is writing off bad loans at nearly half the rate it was a year ago .

    今年,摩根大通的比率飙升至178:1,这意味着它 冲销不良贷款的 速度已降至一年前的约一半水平。

  • The main solutions are showed as following : Firstly this paper bring forward a improved fast hard disk writing ( FHW ) capturing packet method to solve the high rate of losing packet problem .

    主要改进如下:第一、针对传统IDS存在的高丢包 的问题,本文提出了一种改进的 FHW抓包法,并进行了详细的测试。

  • Firstly it can realize the definition and writing of foreground and background . A New Nonlinear Filtering Algorithm for Colored Background Self-Noise Suppressing of Symbol Rate Estimation

    新的 LCD显示控制器系统能实现定义前景、背景色功能;一种抑制符号 速率估计背景色噪声的非线性滤波算法

  • Calibration and its Application for Writing Rate of Ultra-high Speed Rotating Mirror Camera

    超高速转镜扫描相机 扫描 速度的校准及应用方法

  • Writing boards were mainly suitable for the educated patients with a satisfaction rate of 84.81 % .

    写字板则主要适用于有一定文化水平的患者,满意 为84.81%;

  • At school I won a scholarship and first prize in type writing at the rate of62 words per minute .

    在校时获奖学金,并以每分钟62字之 速度打字比赛一等奖。

  • Writing Factor is the foundation for WR while Character Factor is a minus factor for a higher accuracy rate .

    其中 书写因子是笔迹鉴别的基础,而字符因子则是影响鉴别准确 的不利因素。

  • Putting aside the need to earn a living I think there are four great motives for writing at any rate for writing prose .

    除去以 作为谋生之计不谈,我认为 写作有四种动机, 至少小说和散文 写作是如此。

  • Carl Weinberg chief economist at High Frequency Economics put it bluntly in a note to clients this morning writing We do not believe the interest rate cuts will make a difference to the economy .

    高频经济学(HighFrequencyEconomics)首席经济学家卡尔o 温伯格在给客户的报告中犀利地指出:我们不认为, 降息会让经济有所不同。

  • When you 're writing working code nearly as fast as you can type and your misstep rate is near zero it generally means you 've achieved mastery of the language .

    当你 的能工作的代码和你打字速度一样快,而且失策 为零,这通常意味着你正在精通这门语言。

  • The results from the posttest displayed that the Lengthened Writing Approach could reduce the forgetting rate of lexical chunk .

    后测试结果表明 长法能够降低语块的遗忘

  • Result 312 portions of them had writing defect and its defect rate was 52 % . Among these the defect rate of present history writing was the highest reached 34 % .

    结果有 书写缺陷的病历为312份,缺陷 为52%,其中现病史书写缺陷率最高,为34%。

  • This is secure as of the time of writing and should remain secure for the next five years or so given the current rate of computer progress .

    在给出当前计算机的发展 状况 估计,从 文章的时候起并且持续5年这将是安全的。

  • Between the equipment of RFID and the RF card it corresponds by the way of inductive coupling the reading and writing effect of the system such as distance the rate of making error and stability are associated with the feature of this wireless information passage .

    射频识别读写设备和射频卡之间是通过电感耦合的方式实现通信的,系统读 效果,如距离、出错 、稳定性等都和这一无线信道的特征密切相关。

  • I think there are four great motives for writing at any rate for writing prose .

    当我成为 作家后,我最大的愿望就是把政治色彩的 写作变成艺术 创造

  • Writing electric power network dispatching operation sheets is an important method that ensure electric power network to operate safely . The management departments of electric power require that we must write operation sheets and the qualified rate of operation sheets must be 100 % .

    电网调度操作票制度是保证电网安全的重要措施,电力管理部门要求电网操作时必须填写操作票,操作票的合格 要达到100%。

  • After all these are done my aim is to improve my skill in writing and using the grammar moreover to achieve higher correct rate in translation .

    之后,提高自己的 写作能力,文法的运用能力及翻译的正确

  • Perfectly Writing the English Abstracts of Scientific Articles to Raise the Cited Rate


  • Compared with exiting methods of handwriting retrieval the systematic method proposed in this paper has an obvious advantage in retrieval efficiency can tolerate a higher degree of writing arbitrariness and the precision and recall rate is also higher . This method basically meets the practical needs .

    与现有的 手写输入检索方法相比,本文所提出的方法检索对笔画的随意性容忍程度高,正确率和召回 较高,基本满足实用需求。

  • Writing off loans at that rate rather than the industry average appears to have saved JPMorgan $ 697 million in the first three months of the year alone .

    以这样的 比率、而非行业平均比率来 冲销贷款,看上去光是第一季度就为摩根大通节省了6.97亿美元。

  • Any claim must be received by us at this office in writing or through authenticated swift message of first rate bank followed by required written declaration on or before said date .

    任何的要求必须在该日或该日之前以 书面形式,由我 在此办事处收妥,或透过 甲级银行的环球银行财务电信协会信息,并随之送交必须的书面声明书。

  • This preamplifier has been fabricated using 0.2 μ m GaAs-based pHEMT EB direct writing T-shaped gate technology and tested at a data rate of 10 Gbit / s.

    电路采用0.2μmGaAs基pHEMT电子束直 T型栅工艺制作。对制作的电路进行了电测试,可工作于10Gbit/s的 速率

  • Because writing to the cache is significantly faster than writing directly to the disk it will be possible for you to achieve a significantly higher message rate when processing persistent messages .

    与直接 写到磁盘相比,写到高速缓存要快很多,所以您可以在处理持久消息时达到明显更快的消息 速度

  • Writing in the Journal of Pain the authors concluded : Swearing increased pain tolerance and heart rate compared with not swearing .

    该研究结果 发表在了《疼痛期刊》上,研究者总结道:与没有说脏话的实验对象相比,说脏话成员的疼痛耐受力和 心率都有所增加。

  • English writing is a key point in teaching English and also a vital criteria to rate students language level .

    英语 写作是英语教学的一个重要环节,也是 衡量学生语言水平的重要标准。