wrought iron

[rɔt ˈaɪən][rɔ:t ˈaiən]


  • Several beggars stood outside the wrought iron gate of the mosque .

    几名乞丐站在这座清真寺 做工 精细 门外。

  • The steel roof has been coloured to match the finish of the original wrought iron .

    钢屋顶上了色,以便和原先的 锻铁 外观相搭配。

  • The company is consisted of a Cast factory a wrought iron or forging factory .

    本公司 下设 锻造厂、铸造厂、 工程公司。

  • Flower of wrought iron or steel ( excl. indoor ornaments and jewellery )

    钢或 铁制 花饰(不包括室内装饰品和珠宝)

  • Behind wrought iron gates a small cobbles-stoned courtyard polished with age

    在大 铁门后面,一座卵石铺砌的小庭院,日久天长磨得发亮

  • Compositions of paper cloth wrought iron wood sheet metal ;

    用纸、布、 熟铁、木头和金属片构成的 图画

  • Eyewitnesses told local media that the man appeared to climb over a wrought iron barrier to reach the falls .

    目击者们告诉当地媒体说,那名男子好像是 跨过 栅栏靠近瀑布的。

  • But if as Smith described one man wrought the iron and another stretched it who could say what was the marginal productivity of each ?

    但是,如果像斯密描述的那样,一个人 负责进行 锻造,一个人 负责进行拉伸,谁能说出他们各自的边际生产率是多少呢?

  • In this paper smelting it with cupola was experimentally studied and the results obtained shows that wrought white iron can been smelted with cupola by means of some right processes .

    为此,本文对冲天炉熔炼 锻造白口 进行了试验研究。结果表明,采用适当的熔炼工艺和必要的炉前处理,可以生产出具有良好 锻造 性能的白口 铁水

  • It was made of wrought iron .

    它由 锻铁 制成

  • Steel made by the mixture of molten wrought iron charcoal and other substances in a crucible .


  • The cost of wrought white iron smelted in electric furnace is too high to be used in large quantities .

    用电炉熔炼 锻造白口 成本过高,推广应用受到了限制。

  • A worker who turns pig iron into wrought iron by puddling . The blacksmith came out of the forge to fit the horse shoe .

    把生铁搅炼进 熟铁的工人。铁匠从工场出来安装马蹄

  • The Warrior gave strength to their arms whilst the Smith wrought for each a suit of iron plates .

    战士赐予她的儿子们坚实的臂膀,同时 铁匠为他们一人 打造了一套 碟。

  • They have undergone three-time significant reforms : cast iron in the Qin-Han dynasties the Tang-Song dynasties ' steel-edged wrought iron and the Ming-Qing dynasties ' quenched cast iron .

    农具的产生与发展经历了三次重大变革,即秦汉之际的铸铁农具、唐宋之际的钢刃 熟铁农具和明清之际的擦生铁农具。

  • Iron or wrought iron can also be washed with dish wash powder without causing scratches .

    铁或 熟铁也可洗洗碗粉,而不会造成划痕。

  • Wrought iron of high purity made in Sweden .

    瑞典制造的高纯度 锻铁

  • Across the street a more ominous sign of the mortgage foreclosure crisis is taped to the wrought iron gate of a stucco house on Cortino Way .

    在街道对过,一张更不吉利的有关抵押品赎回危机的布告贴在考 蒂诺道的灰泥房屋的 铸铁大门上。

  • Wrought iron newspaper support wrought iron signboard wrought iron shoe rack wrought iron flower shelf wrought iron penholder wrought iron tool frame wrought iron wrought iron wine frame wrought iron clothes stand wrought iron towel rack .

    铁艺 报架铁艺招牌铁艺鞋架铁艺花架铁艺笔架铁艺刀具架铁艺酒架铁艺衣帽架铁艺毛巾架等。

  • Seventeen1970s the use of pig iron the early nineteenth century the use of wrought iron bridges and the construction of housing which is a prelude to the emergence of steel .

    十七世纪70年代开始使用生铁、十九世纪初开始使用 熟铁建造桥梁和房屋,这是钢结构出现的前奏。

  • Wrought iron has a lower carbon content and contains little slag and impurities . It is soft and not brittle and can be worked more easily than cast iron . But the production of it is very small .

    熟铁 碳量较低,含渣和杂质也不多。它软而不脆,比起铸铁来更容易加工,但产量很少。