writing desk

[ˈraɪtɪŋ dɛsk][ˈraitiŋ desk]


  • Just before leaving she always put a full cup of coffee on the writing desk and left the radio playing to make a robber think someone must be at home .

    临走地时分,她老是把一满杯咖啡地在 写字 ,并分开啦那家电台打让匪徒以为有人必然在家。

  • Do you know the man writing something at the desk ?

    你认识正在 桌子 什么东西的那个人吗?

  • When you switch from one thing to another your brain takes a few minutes to catch up and settle in : constantly jumping between answering emails and writing a report and tidying up your desk just means you 'll lose track of where you 'd got to .

    当你从一个任务换到另一个任务时,大脑会花几分钟进行调整:同时既要回复邮件、 撰写报告,又要整理办公 ,到头来你可能会手足无措。

  • Later on she ate the wooden handles of our antique writing desk .

    接下来,它把我们的古董 写字桌的把手吃了。

  • I love this writing desk very much .

    我非常喜欢这个 写字

  • 1 he bought his son a new writing desk yesterday .

    他昨天给他的儿子买了一张新 写字

  • It 's in the drawer of the writing desk .

    写字 的抽屉里。

  • Your antique writing desk all the way from La coste .

    你的古董 书桌,全都来自拉科斯特。

  • Ladies Writing Desk made of Walnut and Crotch Mahogany with inlaid Marquetry in a16th century Italian decorative pattern .

    女士 写字 用胡桃木和红木树干做的嵌花饰面做装饰,那饰面上镶有16世纪意大利装饰性的图案。

  • I had no writing desk before . I did my homework on a bench .

    以前我没有 写字 ,我总是在一条长凳上写作业。

  • Whenever I visited him he was always writing at the desk .

    当我去看他的时候,他总是 桌子 东西

  • That this writing desk is wide reaches three feet .

    写字 宽达三英尺。

  • Your writing materials are in the top drawer of your desk .

    你的 书写 文具在你 书桌的最上面的抽屉里。

  • The furnishings included a bunk a writing desk a chair a stool and the Halfmaester 's cyvasse table strewn with carved wooden pieces .

    家具则包括床铺、 书桌、椅子、凳子还有一个“半学士”的锡瓦斯棋游戏桌,到处都是木头碎屑。

  • And then I use it as my writing desk reading writing and drawing on it .

    她“ ”完了以后,我就在上面看书、写作业、 画画

  • Her writing desk was within her reach .

    她的 写字 就在她的手边。

  • Then both of us have a writing desk . When mom is writing she uses the needle as her pen embroiders many beautiful flowers .

    当妈妈 写作的时候,她用针作笔,绣出许多美丽的花朵。

  • There is writing desk a computer and piles of books in the room .

    屋子里有一 写字 ,一台计算机和几堆书。

  • Is this your writing - table ? He deposited the books on the desk .

    这是你的 写字桌吗?他将书籍放在 写字桌

  • Poe wrote on the raven and Poe also wrote on top of his writing desk .

    爱伦坡写了《乌鸦》,爱伦坡在他的 写字 写字

  • The laundry forms and bags are in the top right-hand drawer of the writing desk .

    洗衣单和洗衣袋在 写字 的右边第一个抽屉里。

  • May I put these papers on the writing desk in case the soup might be spilt on them ?

    我可以把这些文件放在 书桌 吗?以免汤撒到 桌子上把他们弄脏了。

  • The products with their characteristic vividness liveliness and exquisiteness serve best as ornaments on a writing desk for one 's real enjoyment .

    产品的特点是鲜亮、活泼、精美,最适合 写字 作为装饰品欣赏。

  • Consider yourself on the night shift I self-instruct clambering into my writing room snapping on the light sitting at my desk and fashioning a few taut sentences for my novel .

    就当是在上夜班,我这么对自己说着,爬上我的 写作间,扭开电灯,坐在 桌子前,开始为我的小说精心构造一些简练的句子。

  • They switched it to writing desk and one armchair the option on my esteem is less comfortable and less functional for a hotel room .

    他们把它换成了 办公 和一把椅子,我认为这种选择对酒店客房来说是不舒服、不实用的。

  • This is a large black writing desk .

    这是一张大的黑色 写字

  • He rustled the papers on his writing desk .

    他把 写字 的文件弄得沙沙作响。

  • Books and writing materials were scattered about on the desk .

    桌子上散乱地 着各种 文具书籍。

  • Looking into the drawing room she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk .

    她往起居室里看去, 写字 台边一片狼籍。