write head

[raɪt hɛd][rait hed]


  • In this paper a model for read / write head is presented at first i. e. the standard state space system of observability and then the continuous-time state-space is converted to discrete time G ( z ) by means of Tustin method .

    本文首先建立了 磁头定位系统的数学模型&能观的状态标准型,然后用 Tustin法求得了离散化的Z变换传递函数。

  • If you think you are the person we are looking for write to Mr j.solomon at our head office .

    如果你认为自己就是我们要找的人,那么请 写信给我们的 总部的丁?索罗门站。

  • I usually write my best speeches and letters in my head w_2072 while out running .

    我常常是在在户外跑步的时候,得到灵感 构思 自己最棒的演讲和书信。

  • ( computer science ) the movement of a read / write head to a specific data track on a disk .

    (计算机科学)读 磁头在磁盘上向着特殊数据轨道的运动。

  • So as the particles on the disk that get the current in the read / write head moving put together millions of these magnetized segments and you 've got a file .

    通过读 你就可以得到每个粒子的极性,如果把这些上百万粒子的信息,汇聚要一起就够成了一个文件。

  • Write down the random thoughts ideas that pop into your head trust your gut feelings instincts .

    记录下来任何一个冒出来的念头和 点子,大胆相信你的直觉吧!

  • He began to write down the thoughts that came into his head .

    他开始 头脑里出现的思想。

  • In a fixed-head magnetic disk unit a support and positioning element for a read / write head .

    在固定磁头的磁盘机中,用于支撑和定位读/ 磁头的部件。

  • It is quite natural to write XPath expressions like / html / head / title but such expressions return an empty node set because the input document contains no elements like title .

    比较常见的情况是 编写 /html/head/title这样的XPath表达式,但是这类表达式会返回一个空的节点集,因为输入文档不会包含title这样的元素。

  • In his middle twenties he began to write articles and short stories his head in a whirl .

    他在 二十五岁左右开始 文章和短篇小说,思路不清。

  • Binary Optical Element for Optical Disk Read Write Head s

    光盘读 中的二元光学器件

  • Write your address at the head of this page .

    你的住址 在纸的 上端

  • ( computer science ) a crash of a read / write head in a hard disk drive ( usually caused by contact of the head with the surface of the magnetic disk ) .

    (计算机科学)通常由于磁头与磁盘的接触而造成的硬盘驱动器中读 磁头的损坏。

  • A novel high bandwidth actuator assembly was developed for the applications of high read / write head tracking in high TPI recording in hard disk drives .

    为了在极高 磁道密度( TPI)的硬盘中快速寻道定位、读取数据,研发了一种新型高带宽驱动器组件。

  • Every time Beethoven sat down to write music he poured ice water over his head .

    每次贝多芬坐下来 作曲的时候,他都往自己的 上浇冰水。

  • Also erase head that is incorporated in the structure of the read / write head with gaps that follow behind the main gap where reading and writing are performed .

    又叫擦洗头,它被装在读 磁头的结构中,与主磁隙相似,也有执行读写的磁隙。

  • His father also gave him special ruled sheets called music paper to write down the music playing in his head .

    他父亲还给了他一些特殊的带格式纸,叫做乐谱纸,用它来 自己 头脑中的音乐记下来。

  • When a brief pulse of electricity is sent to the read / write head it flips on a tiny electromagnet for a fraction of a second .

    当一个简单的电脉冲被送到读 ,它会短时间内出现一个小的电磁。

  • This outline can be a real outline which you write on paper or a mental outline which you keep in your head .

    这个大纲可以写成一个真正的大纲,你 在纸上,或者也可以是头脑中的一个大纲,你只是把它记在 心里

  • We use the hash of the IP address to calculate the mark value taking a labeling scheme of fixed-length and write the label of the next-hop into the packet head .

    该机制采用IP地址的hash值来计算标记值,使用固定长度标记方案,并提前 报文传输路径上下一跳的信息标记到 报文中。

  • Now if the current is sent one way through the read / write head the area is polarized in one direction .

    如果当前通过读 来发送指向一个方向的信息,这个区域的磁极指向某个方向。

  • Write it down on your hand if you don 't trust your head .

    如果你不相信你的 大脑的话,你也 可以 在手上。

  • Gap : ( 1 ) The space between records on disc or tape . ( 2 ) The space between a read / write head and the recording medium .

    间隙:(1)磁盘或磁带上纪录间的空档。(2)读 磁头与纪录材料间的空位。

  • Write the name of the company at the head of the list .

    公司名字 在名单 顶部

  • Read / write channel is the circuit that between the read / write head and interface controller it is an important ingredient of the digital information storage system .

    硬盘读/写通道是介于读/ 与设备控制器之间的电子电路,它是数字信息存储系统中数据通道的重要组成部分。

  • A simulated three dimensional thin film head field was utilized in the write process and a giant-magnetoresistive ( GMR ) head was used in the read process .

    写入过程中采用了模拟的三维薄膜磁头,在读出过程中用的是巨磁阻(GMR) 磁头

  • ( computer science ) the actuator that moves a read / write head to the proper data track .

    推动器 读取 移动到合适的数据位置。

  • Write down those things that are buzzing around in your head so that you can stop worrying about remembering them .

    那些一直萦绕在你 脑海里的事情 下来,这样你就不用担心还一直记得那些事。

  • Disc drive : The mechanism which rotates the magnetic disc and positions the reas / write head ( s ) at he desired location .

    磁碟驱动器:转动磁碟,把读 移到所需位置的机械结构。