




  • He was still holding me by the wrist and at that he gave it quite a wring .

    他仍握着我的手腕,听了我的话,他又用力地 一下

  • I 'll wring your neck if you don 't behave !

    你要是行为不端,我就 拧断你的脖子。

  • Gently open the soda bottle which I couldn 't wring .

    轻轻拧开我 不开的汽水瓶盖。

  • He will wring tears of blood from your humiliation .

    他会 羞辱 榨出你体内的血和泪。

  • Wring out your wet clothes .


  • Give the towels another wring . Can I have another blanket ?

    把毛巾再 .我可以再要一件毛毯吗?

  • When he finds out what you did he 'll wring your neck !

    要是他发现你干的事,他会 拧断你的脖子。

  • Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers

    买主们千方百计想从供货商那儿无息 赊购

  • Give the towels another wring .


  • I 'll wring his calf 's head off his body with these hands .

    我要用这双手将他那牛 脖子 下来。

  • If I find the person who did this I 'll wring his neck !

    我要是找出这是谁干的,我 掐死他不可!

  • ' Or I 'll take off my best frock and help you wring up ?

    要不我把我身上这件最好的衣服脱下来,帮你 衣服 了吧?

  • You tempt Him to wring them till He forces a cry of humiliation .

    你使得上帝来 你的心和 神经,一直到他迫使你发出屈服的呼喊为止。

  • Wring the water out of the cloth .

    水从布料中 出来

  • I still love you even though I 'd like to wring your neck .

    虽然我想 掐死你,但我还是爱你的。

  • If he ever makes a pass at you I 'll wring his neck .

    如果他敢对你 轻举妄动,我就 拧断他的脖子。

  • Soak a small towel in the liquid wring it out then apply to the abdomen .

    将一块小毛巾浸在液体中, 后敷在腹部。

  • Oh Scarlett you are so young you wring my heart he said .

    “唔,思嘉,你真 个孩子,可 我的心都 了,”他说。

  • There must be something wring with my car .

    我的小车一定是出什么 毛病了。

  • The Government has got to get a grip . Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn 't good enough .

    政府必须采取 切实 行动,一 着手 感叹说这是个全球性问题是远远不够的。

  • That crazy Debbie ! He could wring her neck for this !

    黛比那个疯子!他会为这 她的脖子 拧断的!

  • Shut up or I 'll wring your bloody neck .

    闭嘴,不然我 扭断你该死的脖子。

  • When we wring our hands it 's China we fear .

    现在令他们 惴惴不安的国家 变成了中国。

  • He turned away to wring out the wet shirt

    他走开去 湿衬衫

  • I 'll just wring out this jumper and hang it up .

    我只需 这件套衫 挂起来。

  • I ought to wring his neck right now .

    我应该马上 扭断他的脖子。

  • In this way he hoped to put pressure on the British and thus to wring concessions from them .

    他希望通过这种方式向英国人施压,从而 迫使他们让步。

  • The girl 's pitiful history would wring one 's withers .

    这女孩子的经历令人 心碎

  • Break it up before I wring both of your necks .

    在我 扭断你们的脖子前 了。

  • I 'll wring his neck if he does that again .

    如果他再犯,我就 扭断他的脖子。