would you...?


  • A simple prescription that could help you live a longer healthier life * would you try it ?

    只需一个简单的处方就能让你过地更长寿更健康, 尝试一下

  • I 'm sorry but these are the last ones * How would you like these in-stead ?

    抱歉,这是最后的存货了 觉得换另外这种 如何

  • Think of it this way * How would you like to work a10 hour shift and then your boss gives you the toughest work of the day and tells you to get it done in an hour ?

    可以 这么想, 是否喜欢工作10小时后老板有给你一天中最难的工作,并命令你1个小时做完它

  • How would you know the difference between the dream world * and the real world ?


  • Would you let me * Drink in peace ?

    让我安静地喝 会儿

  • Would love to share what I have seen with you guys so even if you haven 't experienced or been to the places I 've been to * at least you get to see how and what they 're like right ?

    想要你们一起分享我所看到的,所以即使你没有去过我去过的地方 至少你可以知道那里是怎样的,对吗

  • I need someone to trust and someone who really trusts me * Would you like to stay here with me ?

    我需要可以信任同时也信任 的人 愿意留下来陪我

  • Excuse me I plan to go back to CHINA on8th * Would you please help book a ticket for me ?

    你好,我打算8号回中国,麻烦 帮我订机票

  • She came up to me * and said ' Daddy would you mind if I had all my hair cut off for children with cancer ?

    她走到 面前说,爸爸, 介意我把头发剪下来送给癌症儿童

  • You would say Chris Paul * but what if he didn 't have the assists would he still be pure points ?

    可假如他没有助攻 仍然觉得他是 清真的组织后卫

  • Berman asked would he buy eBay to which Ma replied : Would you sell it ? * There are so many good things in the world .

    伯曼问他会买易趣,马云回答说: 卖掉它 世界上有很多美好的事物。

  • B : ok * Which kind of juice would you like ?

    乙:好 哪种果汁

  • Would you mind telling me Doctor Bob asked * how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal ?

    “医生 是否介意告诉我”鲍勃问道“您是怎样发现一个表现完全正常的人有智力缺陷的

  • I can 't decide * What would you really like to do ?

    去,还是不去,我决定不 下来 到底想做 什么

  • Would you * dance with me ?

    能否 和我跳个舞

  • Now I am wondering * what else would you all want to read about ? What makes you come back to read about my adventure ?

    现在我在 你们大家想我写些别的什么 东西呢?什么能吸引你们下一次再来读关于我旅程的文字

  • OK * What would you like the message to say ? Hope you 're feeling better see you work tomorrow .

    好的 什么 希望你好多了,明天上班时候见。

  • While frameworks attempt to shape these languages to fit their new role it makes you wonder * what would a language look like that was designed specifically for developing mobile applications ?

    各种框架试图对这些语言进行调整,从而适合他们的新角色,但是这会引起 的思考 专门为开发移动应用程序而设计的语言应该是什么样子的

  • Considering my history with the press * It would be better if you did it ?

    考虑到我跟媒体互动的历史来看 来讲 不是比较好

  • How would you rate your opinion of * ?


  • Catherine : Yes and I was wondering if I could ask you a massive favour * which is would you mind popping in and feeding the cats while I 'm away ?

    是呀,我在想我可以请你帮个大忙 &我不在的时候, 到我家里面帮我喂一下猫

  • Would you * Kindly * Get me a glass of water ?


  • A house or a car * Which would you buy first ?


  • Would you go to make a copy * This for me ?

    为我复印 一下这个 东西

  • Here 's your menu * Would you like some tea ?

    这是您的菜单 需要

  • Would you mind doing * ?

    介意 通用

  • I 'm sure it 's not easy * But how much worse would you feel if you lost your ability to sing freely ?

    我相信戒烟很不舒服 但是如果你失去了自由歌唱的能力,你是 不是 更难受

  • Would you get me some evian * With ice ?

    给我些带冰的 evian

  • I miss my teddy bear * Would you sleep with me ?

    我的泰迪熊丢了, 和我一起睡

  • What do you think of this idea * would it work to help you eat healthier snacks throughout the day ?

    你觉得这个主意怎么样 帮助 在全天工作时吃到更加健康的零食