



  • We have included the solution set in a PDF which you can download from this tutorial .

    我们把解决方案放在一个PDF中,可以从本 教程下载。

  • Access the Apache Derby project tutorial that details how to download and install Apache Derby .

    请访问ApacheDerby项目的 教程,详细介绍了如何下载和安装ApacheDerby。

  • It is not a tutorial on setting up and debugging .

    而不是关于设置和调试的 教程

  • Most of the panels in a tutorial use this design .


  • You should have a basic understanding of Java technology and Web services to follow along with this tutorial .

    要按照本 教程 说明进行 操作,您应该对Java技术和Web服务有基本的了解。

  • In this tutorial you use GAWK to learn the various methods of running AWK programs .

    在本 教程 ,您将使用GAWK,以了解各种运行AWK程序的方法。

  • This tutorial uses the Prototype JavaScript library and a Jabber instant messaging server .


  • Hope you have enjoyed the tutorial and learned something new .

    希望你喜欢这个 教程并从中收获了新知识。

  • XML tutorial : A tutorial that teaches you how to start using XML in your applications .

    XML 教程:该教程介绍了如何在您的应用程序中开始使用XML。

  • The methods of study include lectures tutorials case studies and practical sessions .

    学习方法包括讲课、 导师 辅导、个案研究与实习。

  • There is an example later on in this tutorial that explains this .


  • This tutorial explains how to configure and use RJB in a Rails application .


  • The Derby plug-ins come with a complete tutorial and examples of how to use all of their functionality .

    Derby插件附带了关于如何使用这些插件的所有功能的完整的 教程和例子。

  • Lectures have replaced the old tutorial system .

    讲座代替了旧的 辅导制度。

  • This is the most interesting and awesome part of this tutorial .

    这是本 教程 最有趣和最棒的一部门。

  • Students may decide to seek tutorial guidance .

    学生可以决定寻求 导师指导。

  • This tutorial assumes some basic experience with HTML CSS and JavaScript .


  • For this tutorial you will create a query that retrieves sales order information from the database .

    在本 教程 ,您将创建一个查询,用于从数据库中检索销售订单信息。

  • Hopefully this tutorial will do the same for you .

    希望这个 教程对你也有同样的帮助!

  • This will allow you to run the examples in this tutorial .

    这使您可以运行本 教程中的示例。

  • I hope you found this tutorial fun and useful .

    我希望您发现本 教程的乐趣和有用的。

  • This tutorial provides a hands-on introduction to the AWK text-processing language .


  • There is a downloadable archived files provided with this tutorial .

    随本 教程提供了一个可下载的归档文件。

  • An example server is set up within this tutorial for reference .


  • According to the students applied set different training professional and tutorial system .

    根据学员的应用性,设定了不同的培训专业及 教程体系。

  • I hope this tutorial answers the questions that have been asked about my workflow .

    我希望这对已经提出的问题对我的工作流程 教程答案。

  • To start this tutorial create a directory to hold the schema and other files .

    要启动本 教程,请创建一个保存模式和其它文件的目录。

  • You 've edited validated and previewed your article or tutorial .

    您已经完成了文章或 教程的编辑、验证和预览。

  • I see there is a hello world tutorial and a getting started guide as well as two demo applications .

    我留意到已经有了一个helloworld 教程和一个入门指南以及两个示例应用。

  • This tutorial describes how to use events and JMX facilities in conjunction with the AIDE toolkit .
