


  • Before the innovation on teaching mode for the tutor to reading literature of modern and present china course we should establish the basic conception of course tutorship which is the starting point of exploration on tutorship innovation .

    摘要《中国现当代文学名著导读》课程教学模式改革,应确立“以读 为主、以导助读、 重在 法”的课程 导学的基本理念,并以此作为导学改革探索的基点。

  • Tutorship is an important part in the service system of long-distance education whose perfect functions will have unusual effect on the qualities of web-education .

    教学 辅导是远程教育学生支持服务体系中的一个重要组成部分,它的功能完善与否,在网络教育质量保证环节中有着不同寻常的影响。

  • And the quality elevation of personal tutorship and students ' self-study will have a higher demand of study-support service .

    而面授 辅导 、学生自学质量的提高又对学习支持服务提出了更高的要求。

  • Conclusion The related department should pay more attention to exam anxiety of country junior middle school students and develop more psychological tutorship and consultation .

    结论农村初中生考试焦虑的现状应引起有关部门的重视,建议多开展心理 辅导和咨询活动。

  • The text discusses one of assisted measures : making use of the technique of multimedia and modern communicates to establish a web of tutorship and answering questions .

    本文论述的是辅助措施之一:利用多媒体技术和现代通信技术构建网上 辅导与答疑网站。

  • Diagnosis and Tutorship of Female University Students 's Mental Subhealth

    女大学生心理亚健康状态的诊断与 辅导

  • As a tutorship to tutor the student 's English in junior high school about one month in summer vacation .

    担任过 为期一个月的英语教师,在暑期为初中 学生 辅导英语。

  • Design and implementation of the online tutorship teaching system based on SQL database

    基于SQL数据库的在线 辅导教学系统的设计与实现

  • This study is purposed to explore the opening and management of autonomy learning . In this study five styles of extracurricular monitoring mechanism are designed and applied to practice namely 1-5-8-2 Responsible Rule Partnership Portfolio Tapes Tracking Reading Tutorship and Oral Test .

    本研究旨在探讨自主学习的开放与管理,研究中设计了5种课外学习的监督机制(1-5-8-2负责制、Partnership成长记录、磁带跟踪、助教 辅导及口语测试),并且把它们应用到了实践中。

  • Compeer mental tutorship is a kind of school mental health education model .

    朋辈心理 辅导是一种学校心理健康教育模式。

  • The new form integrates late enrollment with extracurricular tutorship which aims at improving their Chinese ability by using HSK training . This approach distinguishes itself from the traditional TCFL markedly in such aspects as teaching ideas means student management etc.

    这种新形式将插班 听课与课外 辅导结合起来,以语言能力培养为目标,以HSK训练为手段,在教学理念、手段与学生管理等多个方面与传统型对外汉语教学有显著区别。

  • The integrated development environment and the intelligent tutorship system of the assemble language

    汇编语言集成开发环境与智能 上机 辅导系统的开发

  • In the occupational characteristics the teachers ' roles homework 's correction and the after-school tutorship make bigger stress on teachers .

    在工作特征中,教师的角色、批改作业和课外 辅导给教师造成的压力较大。

  • MCAI course can be applied to classroom teaching self-culture tutorship review summarizing unit examination and teaching data processing in the university science teaching .

    MCAI课件应用于大学理科教学中的课堂教学、自学和 辅导、复习总结和单元测验以及教学中的数据处理。

  • The main research content of this study are : 1 . The analysis and design of the intelligent tutorship system .

    本研究的主要研究内容有:(1)智能 导学系统的分析与设计。

  • It 's rather important to deal with the relationship among personal tutorship students ' self-study and study-support service in open education .

    正确处理好开放教育中的面授 辅导、学生自学、学习支持服务三者的关系至关重要。

  • A group of volunteers composed of teachers and students from Beijing arrived here to give tutorship to the left-behind children .

    一群来自北京,由教师和学生组成的志愿团体来到这里给留守儿童 补习

  • Putonghua level test tutorship lesson which has little related research is a new ( lesson ) under new situation .

    普通话水平测试 辅导课是一门在新形式下产生的新课程,相关研究比较少。

  • This paper summed up the first CAIPI ( China-US International Piano Instructors ) program from the points of teaching and tutorship b masters of piano .

    对第一届中美国际钢琴大师班( CAIPI)活动进行了介绍,对各位钢琴专家、大师的授课 辅导要点、教学方法等进行了梳理。

  • The Practice and Cognition of Remote Online Tutorship Based on Tencent Chat System

    基于腾讯聊天系统实施远程在线 辅导的实践与认识

  • Form and Perfect System of College Students ' Psychological Tutorship

    建立和完善大学生心理 辅导体系探析

  • The Design and Construction of Online Tutorship System in higher education

    高等教育网络 辅导系统设计与建设

  • In the open education teaching of tax courses in major of law centered by students self-teaching we applied a four-wheel drive teaching mode : resource construction personal guidance mass tutorship and course examination which achieved great effect .

    在开放教育法学专业税法课程的教学中,以学生自主学习为中心,探索出资源建设、个别指导、集中 辅导和课程考核的四轮驱动教学模式,应用取得了良好的效果。

  • In the last part strategies of tutorship to children 's anxiety is discussed and some measures are put forward by intervention of prevention and betimes .

    根据 前文所分析的幼儿焦虑的影响因素,论文的最后一部分探讨了幼儿焦虑的 辅导策略,从预防性干预和及时性干预两方面提出一系列 辅导措施。

  • Study on Secrecy Scheme of Intelligence Automation Tutorship System

    智能自动 辅导系统中保密方案研究

  • Study-support service plays the most important role among them while it affects the school teaching fashion of personal tutorship lesson and quality of students ' self-study .

    学习支持服务在三者的关系中起着决定性作用,它影响着 辅导课的授课方式及学生自学质量。

  • When you are9 she pays a lot for your piano tutorship in return you cut school often and never practice .

    当你9岁的时候,她付了很多钱给你 辅导钢琴,而作为报答,你常常旷课并且从不练习。

  • The system have successfully saved the question of proved plane geometry Tutorship of arrangement students are satisfied .

    本系统已能成功地解决 一般几何证明问题,满足不同层次学生的平面几何 辅导需要。