

  • You 've had that scab Tuttle here ain 't ya ?

    你找了没 加入 工会 塔托,对吧?

  • In1632 and for many years after the Tuttle farm was a necessity .

    在1632年之后的几百年间, 塔特尔农场存在有其必然的 理由

  • The Tuttle acres then would have seemed almost as surrounded as they do in2010 but by forest instead of highways and houses .

    那时 塔特尔 农场 农场的土地上 绿树环绕, 郁郁葱葱,如今环绕它的是高速公路和房子了。

  • This is what Bill Tuttle looked like last year Garagiola continued his voice taut with emotions .

    加拉乔拉继续说:“这就是比尔 塔特尔去年的容貌,”:他的嗓音听起来因激动而显得紧张。

  • A freeware program to estimate the Horse Power needed to make a machining cut in metal written by Jim Tuttle .

    一个免费的计划,估计马力需要做出削减金属加工撰写的 吉姆塔特尔

  • Tuttle laced his fingers behind his head .

    塔特尔 手指抱着 后脑勺。

  • It 's one more reason why you might be carrying the Taser C2 when you 're out and about Taser International 's Steve Tuttle told The Age .

    “这也是人们在外出时可能会随身携带C2的一个原因”,泰瑟国际公司的史蒂夫• 跟《时代 说。

  • Mr tuttle you can see to the garden now .


  • The oldest is the Tuttle farm near Dover N.

    美国仍旧有 很多古老的 农场

  • The oldest is the Tuttle farm near Dover N.H. which is also one of the oldest business enterprises in America .

    其中历史最有悠久的 过于 塔特尔农场”&它位于美国新罕布什尔州多佛市附近,也是美国历史最悠久的商业公司之一。