tunnel effect

[ˈtʌnəl ɪˈfɛkt][ˈtʌnəl iˈfekt]


  • Owing to the fact that quantum size effect superficial effect and macroscopic quantum tunnel effect which lead to huge surface and many superficial activated centers nanoparticles as combustion catalyst have a good application foreground in the solid propellant .

    纳米催化剂由于具有量子尺寸效应、表面效应和宏观量子 隧道 效应,导致其表面积巨大且表面活性中心多,因此在固体推进剂中的催化燃烧中展现了良好的应用前景。

  • Applications of Tunnel Effect

    隧道 效应的几个应用

  • A Demonstration of the Pattern of the Tunnel Effect by Computer

    计算机对 隧道 效应图象的显示

  • Using the theory of tunnel effect this paper discusses how to use ITO as electrode to thin the window layer of light emitting diode .

    讨论如何利用 隧道 效应,应用ITO做电极来减薄发光二极管(LED)窗口层。

  • The current transport mechanism and the influences of tunnel effect and bias to the device photo sensitivity are analyzed .

    介绍了该器件的结构形式、电流传输机制以及 隧道 效应和偏压对器件光探测灵敏度的影响。

  • Nano-particles have small dimension effect quanta dimension effect surface effect and macroscopical quanta tunnel effect so they manifest a series of specific physical and chemical characters .

    纳米粒子具有小尺寸效应、量子尺寸效应、表面效应与宏观量子 隧道 效应等,从而表现出一系列特殊的物理化学性质。

  • The degradation process is explained by using the theory of secondary tunnel effect .

    用二次 隧道 效应理论解释了这种退化过程。

  • Tunnel effect in semiconductors

    半导体中的 隧道 效应

  • Tunnel Effect and the different behaviors of hot electrons consist of the main electronic processes under high electric field .

    高场下的电子过程主要有 穿 效应及过热电子的有关行为。

  • Moving water and produces three kinds of rock role that the physical chemical and mechanical effects these effects are often decisive collapse of the tunnel effect . 5 .

    运动着的地下水与岩体产生3种作用,即物理的、化学的和力学的作用,这些作用常常对 隧道的塌方起着决定性的 影响

  • Tunneling magnetometer is a kind of MEMS magnetometer based on tunnel effect in quantum mechanics .

    隧穿磁强计是一种利用量子力学中 隧道 效应原理研制的MEMS磁强计。

  • The results show that the conductive paths are formed due to the direct contact of conductive particles and quantum tunnel effect .

    试验结果表明:添加型防静电涂层导电通路的形成是导电粒子的直接接触和 隧道 效应综合 作用 结果

  • The results illustrate that under actions of the air shock waves and tunnel effect of the tube the thin layer explosive inside the detonator tube forms a steady detonation of special construction with low energy and low speed .

    结果表明,管内薄层炸药在空气冲击波和 管道 效应作用下形成了一种特殊结构的低能低速的稳定爆轰波。

  • In this article four basic Properties of Nanometer Particle are summarized : quantum size effect surface effect volume effect macroscopical quantum tunnel effect and several ways of preparation and evaluation of nanometer particle are introduced .

    综述了纳米微粒的四个基本特性:量子尺寸效应、表面效应、体积效应及宏观量子 隧道 效应,并介绍了纳米微粒的制备方法及对纳米微粒评估的方法。

  • Quantum tunnel effect in the semiconductor

    半导体器件中的量子 隧道 效应

  • The conclusion plays an important role for the listed companies for perfecting the system of governance restraining the tunnel effect and promoting the healthy development of listed company .

    这一结论为完善上市公司治理制度,抑制 隧道 效应,促进上市公司健康发展具有重要意义。

  • The tunnel effect and electric conductivity launch may be the possible reasons to produce non-ohmic properties .

    对材料的机理分析发现, 隧道 效应导电和电场发射导电是其非欧姆特性的可能原因。

  • Study on Tunnel Effect in Multi-beam Seafloor Bathymetry and Its Adaptive Eliminating Methods

    多波束海底测深 隧道 效应及其自适应消除方法研究

  • The technologies used include carbon nanotubes and the magnetic tunnel effect .

    采用的技术包括碳纳米管及磁性 隧道 效应

  • Without good internal governance mechanisms and appropriate government regulation association within the bank loans will become a tool of bank assets were transferred the performance of the tunnel effect or looting view which have a negative impact on bank performance .

    如果没有良好的内部治理机制和适当的政府监管,关联贷款会成为银行内部人转移银行资产的工具,即表现为 隧道 效应或掠夺观,从而对银行绩效产生负面影响。

  • By using the tunnel effect principle of quantum mechanics the mechanism of electrospark machining is studied and a new explanation of the essence of electrospark machining is given .

    利用量子力学 隧道 效应原理,对电火花加工机理进行了研究,给出了电火花加工本质的新解释。

  • Taking scalar wave equation and tunnel effect for example the similarity of fiber optics to quantum mechanics was shown .

    以标量波动方程和 隧道 效应为例子,说明纤维光学中波动分析与量子力学方法的相似性。

  • The observation on its application in life science by the tunnel effect in quantum mechanics

    由量子力学中的 隧道 效应看它在生命科学中的应用

  • They are the tunnel effect control .

    第二是 离子 迁移控制过程;

  • Semiconductor quantum dots with unique quantum size effect surface effect quantum confinement effect and macro quantum tunnel effect show physical and chemical properties different from the macroscopic bulk materials .

    半导体量子点以其独特的量子尺寸效应、表面效应、量子限域效应和宏观量子 隧道 效应,展现出不同于宏观体相材料的物理和化学性质。

  • The application of tunnel effect in Biology

    隧道 效应在生物学中的应用

  • Tunnel Effect of Optics and Quantum Mechanics

    光学中与量子力学中的 隧道 效应

  • Compared with conventional materials nano-materials have many singular features and new special features because of their small size effect interface effect and macroscopic quantum tunnel effect on the optical electrical thermal magnetic and other physical properties and chemical properties .

    纳米材料所产生的小尺寸效应、界面效应和宏观量子 隧道 效应等使其在光、电、热、磁等物理性质和化学性质方面与常规材料相比,具有了许多奇异特性和新的特殊功能。

  • Through studies of non-ohm properties of the composite it is found that there is a good linear relationship between lgR and lgU and the reason to produce non-ohm properties probably conductive mechanism of tunnel effect and effect of electric field emission .

    通过对导电复合材料的非欧姆特性的研究,发现lgR-lgU成良好线性关系,产生非欧姆特性的原因主要是 隧道导电 效应和电场发射效应。

  • The Quantum effect small size effect surface effect and tunnel effect of nano-particles are specific comparing with micro-particles .

    纳米粒子的量子尺寸效应、小尺寸效应、表面效应和 隧道 效应等导致了其在应用方面表现出区别于微米粒子的功能特异性。