She seemed to turn away from him a little .
她似乎略微 回避 了一下。
' I thought you would call me'Father'and not turn away from following me .
我又说,你们必称我为父,也不再 转 去不 跟从我。
Not turn away from the old but turn toward the new .
不是 背弃旧的,而是朝向新的。
When you give up on hope you turn away from fear .
当你不再希望,你 也 就 不再恐惧。
The spirit of prayer comes when I turn away from the vanity of time into the riches of eternity .
当我 由今世在时间里的虚空, 转向永恒的丰富时,祷告的灵就临到。
You can pick out the right investments and turn away from the bad ones .
进而,你就可以 避免错误的投资并 找到正确的投资领域。
Serve the LORD your God so that his fierce anger will turn away from you .
又要事奉耶和华你们的神,好使他的烈怒 转 离你们。
Never once have I known Barbara to turn away from a challenge even when the pressure of other responsibilities was at its greatest .
我从未见过 芭芭拉 逃避 过工作中的挑战,即使在生活中的其它责任和义务的压力极大的时候。
Contrite means crushed and wanting to turn away from sins and inadequacies . Are you feeling contrite today ? These verses have good news for you !
痛悔的意思是“压垮了”和“想 从罪和 无能感中 挣脱出来”。你今天感到痛悔吗?这些章节有好消息给你!
Kennedy exhorted his listeners to turn away from violence
肯尼迪劝诫听众 远离暴力。
Medicine began to turn away from botany in the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries .
在17、18世纪的科学革命中,医学开始 从植物学 转而研究其他 方向。
I turn away from my sin and walk in a new direction .
我 要 从罪的 道路上 回转,朝新的方向走。
Turn away from and put aside perhaps temporarily .
因 厌恶 而临时地放在一边。
Don 't turn away from your conscience .
不要 背离您的良心。
I would never call Jerusalem beautiful or comfortable or consoling Iyer says . But there 's something about it that you can 't turn away from .
Iyer说:我永远不会说耶路撒冷美丽或舒适或给人以安慰,但它就是有一种魅力,让你无法 转身 离开。
We should turn away from evidence ?
我们 应该 不考虑证据?
Ask Him to give you strength to turn away from that sin so you can enjoy a clean conscience .
让他来给你力量 远离罪,使你能够有一个清洁的良心。
Yet we have a golden opportunity to turn away from such a course .
不过,我们有一个大好机会, 可以 避免 走上这条道路。
Then we will not turn away from you ; revive us and we will call on your name .
这样,我们便不 退后 离开你。求你救活我们,我们就要求告你的名。
Of course Philippa would not turn away from her beloved work .
当然, 菲莉芭 也不愿意 离开她所热爱的工作。
China at that time began to close its border and turn away from the outside world .
当时的中国反而 关上 了边界的大门与外界 隔绝 了。
Ive told you what I believe that our security and our values demand that we cannot turn away from the massacre of countless civilians with chemical weapons .
我已经告诉诸位我秉持的信念,我们的安全和我们的价值观要求我们不能对使用化学武器 残杀无数平民的行为袖手旁观。
However when combined with the western standard of wide jaw bone and a big smile it creates a monstrosity that most Chinese man will turn away from .
然而,结合西方标准的宽下颚骨和大笑脸,便造就了一个中国人 看 了 想吐的怪物。
When we begin to turn away from the sun we have afternoon and evening and night .
我们开始 转 离 它时,就是下午。随后是黄昏和夜晚。
Many still turn away from the help that is beside them and fall into the illusion of separation .
很多人仍 在忽略他们身旁的帮助, 跌入到分离的幻象中。
He made an abrupt turn away from her .
他 从她那突然 转变 过去。
He was glad the light was dim on the landing but did not turn away from her .
他 目不转睛地盯着她,暗自庆幸楼梯口的灯光昏暗不明。
And you can 't just turn away from that .
所以你不能就这样 转身 就 走。
This person would turn away from her and start speaking to her parents .
人 将 离开她,开始和她父母讲话。
Unbelievers who turn away from Him and who deprive themselves of Him by their malice are today doubly culpable .
信的人 , 离他和谁剥夺了自己的他,他们的恶意今天加倍惩处。
美[tɚn əˈwe frʌm]英[tə:n əˈwei frɔm]