


  • Fit turbocharger holder on camshaft housing .

    涡轮 增压 支架 安装到凸轮轴室上。

  • The turbocharger can be damaged or stop working completely if you rev the engine .

    如果您加快发动机转速, 涡轮 增压 可能损坏或完全停止工作。

  • Research on Common Problems and Strategies of Diesel Engine Turbocharger Applied in Construction Machinery

    工程机械用柴油机 增压 常见问题及对策研究

  • To do this loosen the three fastening screws and pull the turbocharger out sideways .

    为此,请松开三个紧固螺钉并从侧面拉出 涡轮 增压

  • Dynamic balance test should be carried out to the rotor of the turbocharger .

    涡轮 增压 转子应进行动平衡试验。

  • Cleansing of Vehicle - Use Unleaded Gasoline & Gasoline Cleansing Agents ; Remove air cleaner hoses from turbocharger .

    车用无铅汽油的清洁化与汽油清净剂从 透平 增压 上拆下空气净化器油管。

  • Unscrew the heat shield covering the catalytic converter and the turbocharger .

    旋开盖住催化转化器和涡轮 增压 的隔热板。

  • Install turbocharger removing and installing turbocharger .

    安装 涡轮 增压 拆卸和安装涡轮增压器。

  • Fit the oil extraction line between the turbocharger and oil guide housing .

    安装 涡轮 增压 和机油导流壳之间的机油抽取管。

  • Insert intake air lines into the flanges on the turbocharger .

    将进气管插入到 涡轮 增压 的法兰中。

  • The turbocharger uses adjustable vanes for the spontaneous development of torque .

    涡轮 增压 通过调整叶轮来实现对 发动机自身扭矩的提升。

  • This paper describes optimized matching research of turbocharger & L360 engine with air-to-air aftercooler .

    介绍了 涡轮 增压 与L360空对空增压中冷柴油机的优化匹配研究过程。

  • Fit the other three lines on the turbocharger with new o-rings .

    用新的o形圈将其他三个管路安装在 涡轮 增压 上。

  • An intensity analysis was carried out to the friction weld area of turbocharger shaft with ANSYS finite element analysis software .

    应用有限元分析软件ANSYS,对 涡轮 增压 轴摩擦焊区域进行了强度分析。

  • To do this release the line on the turbocharger and then on the coolant distribution pipe .

    为此,先松开 涡轮 增压 上的管路,再松开冷却液分配管上的管路。

  • Fit oil supply lines for turbocharger with new o-rings .

    使用新的o形圈安装 涡轮 增压 的供油管。

  • Fit the intake manifold on the turbocharger using a new screw-type clamp .

    用新的螺旋式卡箍在 涡轮 增压 上安装进气管。

  • Connect hose to the turbocharger .

    将软管连接到 涡轮 增压

  • The Study of Effects of Compound Turbocharger on the Performance and Emissions of LD Diesel Engines

    复合 涡轮 增压对轻型柴油机性能和排放影响的研究

  • Tighten the line on the turbocharger and on the camshaft housing to the specified torque .

    涡轮 增压 上及凸轮轴室上将该管拧紧到规定力矩。

  • The boost pressure is controlled by means of the position of the vanes in the turbocharger .

    涡轮 增压 叶片的位置对增压压力起着控制作用。

  • The vehicle variable geometry turbocharger ( VGT ) with pneumatic and symmetric nozzle ring vane was researched .

    对应用气动型与对称型喷嘴环叶片的车用可变几何 涡轮 增压 进行了研究。

  • And the intelligent surge-preventing system for diesel engine 's turbocharger is introduced from its principle and controlling rules .

    分析了柴油机 增压 低温喘振的原因和危害,介绍了开发的柴油机 增压 智能防喘装置的原理和控制规律。

  • Loosen the five fastening nuts on the turbocharger .

    松开 涡轮 增压 上的五个紧固螺母。

  • Exhauster high speed pressure regulator Remove air cleaner hoses from turbocharger .

    真空泵高转速调压器从 透平 增压 上拆下空气净化器油管。

  • Fit intake pipe on turbocharger .

    将进气管安装在 涡轮 增压 上。

  • Turbocharger rotor dynamics considering engine 's foundation excitation

    考虑发动机基础激励的 涡轮 增压 转子动力学研究

  • Loosen pressure hose on the turbocharger .

    松开 涡轮 增压 上的压力软管。

  • Study on Intake Bypass Recirculation System of Turbocharger

    涡轮 增压 进气旁通再循环系统的研究

  • The experiment on the matching between a variable nozzle turbocharger ( VNT ) and CA498Z diesel engine is performed .

    在CA498Z柴油机上进行了可变喷嘴 增压 (VNT)的匹配试验研究。