tunnel motor

[ˈtʌnəl ˈmotɚ][ˈtʌnəl ˈməutə]

[医] 隧道式传动器

  • Tunnel Test for Motor Vehicle Emission Factors in Guangzhou

    广州市 机动车排放因子 隧道测试 研究

  • By Guangzhou Pearl River Tunnel test with 48 h sampling for VOCs traffic character and tunnel wind the emission factors of 55 VOCs of motor vehicle for were calculated .

    通过对广州珠江隧道连续48h的监测,研究了 隧道 交通特征、微气象特征和VOCs组成及其质量浓度水平,能够计算出广州 机动车55种VOCs化合物的平均排放因子。