turn down

[tɚn daʊn][tə:n daun]


  • I had to turn down a job offer from a theater because the pay was too low .

    我不得不 尽剧院给我的工作,由于报酬太低了。

  • I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down

    我喜欢挑战别人 拒绝做的工作。

  • The divorce rate turned down in the 1950s .

    20世纪50年代离婚率 下降

  • Supposing I turn down your offer would you feel disappointed ?

    假如我 拒绝你的提议,你会感到失望吗?

  • He 'll leave if you turn down the lights .


  • Should I turn down the screen intensity ?

    我应该 调低屏幕亮度吗?

  • I will go to bed would you turn down the tv ?

    我想睡觉,你能将电视的 音量 吗?

  • The projects you turn down say more about you as a professional than the work you accept .

    与你接受的工作相比, 拒绝的工作会让你更专业。

  • They are all great projects and I couldn 't bear to turn down any of them .

    它们全是好的计划,我不能忍受 拒绝它们当中的任何一个。

  • I can 't conceive why they turn down your proposal .

    我难以想象,他们为什么要 拒绝你们的建议。

  • I had to turn down the brightness on my TV but it looked fine then .

    我只得 调低 电视机的亮度,然后画面看起来就很好了。

  • That 's very good . I once turn down a job offer just because the office is awful .

    非常好。我曾经因为办公室太糟糕而 拒绝 一份工作。

  • Turn down the TV please .

    吵了,请 电视 音量 调低

  • There 's no reason whatsoever to turn down this suggestion .

    没有任何理由 拒绝这个建议。

  • He kept turning the central heating down

    他不断 调低中央暖气的温度

  • I thanked him for the offer but turned it down


  • He didn 't have the heart to couldn 't bear to w_344 turn down their request .

    他不忍心 拒绝他们的要求。

  • You are considerate to turn down your radio when I am sleeping .

    我睡觉的时候你 收音机,考虑真是周到。

  • We might turn down the project .

    我们可以 拒绝这项方案。

  • To check this we turn down the threshold level .

    为了检验这一 ,我们 阀值调低。

  • I turn down the offer .

    拒绝 那个提议。

  • Before this I 'd have smiled and turned her down


  • Turn down the music . It 's too loud .


  • Most developers reserve the right to turn down a property they think is virtually unsaleable .

    大多数开发商 保留权利, 拒绝接手他们认为基本没可能卖出去的地产。

  • You thought I couldn 't turn down debra right ?

    你以为我不能 拒绝黛布拉,对吗?

  • A : Do you think I should turn down his offer ?

    你认为我应该 拒绝他的报价吗?

  • Would you turn down $ 7 to appear nude in a magazine ?

    给你700万美元要你裸体登上杂志,你 拒绝吗?

  • A.Could I possibly ask you to turn down the volume on your TV ?

    我能不能请你 你的电视 音量开小一些?

  • She turn down every offer of help .

    别人提出的帮助他都 拒绝

  • She could not bear the relentless music and turned down the volume .

    她受不了没完没了的音乐,就把 音量调小了。