turn off

[tɚn ɔf][tə:n ɔf]


  • Aggressive men turn me off completely .

    咄咄逼人的男人 我完全 没有 欲望

  • All the light have is turn off .

    所有的灯都 关掉

  • If the gas blows back you must turn off the supply as it is dangerous .

    如果煤气管漏气,你必须 关闭送气管,否则很危险。

  • Let me turn off the lights .

    让我 灯。

  • Their water was turned off weeks ago without explanation .

    他们的水在几周以前就毫无理由地被 切断

  • I forgot to turn off the shower .

    我忘记 水龙头了。

  • Remove Disable and Turn Off Yahoo !

    删除,禁用和 关闭雅虎!

  • The light 's a bit too harsh . You can turn it off

    灯光有点太刺眼了。你可以 关掉

  • It was considerate of you to turn off the light while I was sleeping .

    你真体贴在我睡觉的时候 灯。

  • I have to get up and turn off the radio

    我必须起床 收音机。

  • Don 't forget to turn off the light before you go .

    你走之前别忘了 灯。

  • Tom : don 't worry . I forgot to turn off the tap .

    汤姆:别着急。我忘记 水龙头了。

  • The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm

    卡车 驶离大路,沿着通向农场的碎石小道行进。

  • Turn off this goddamn thing and get out of here .

    这个该死的东西 ,然后滚出去。

  • He puts out his hand to turn off the light .

    他伸手去 关灯

  • What turns teenagers off science and technology ?

    是什么使青少年对科学技术丧失 兴趣?

  • Turn off at the signpost for Attlebridge .

    在路标处 拐弯去往阿特尔桥。

  • Let 's turn off the light first .


  • I 'm sorry I forgot to turn off the light .

    很抱歉,我忘记要去 关灯 (灯还 )。

  • Well I 'm going home . Don 't forget to turn off the lights when you leave .

    那我要回家了。你走的时候别忘 关灯喔!

  • She was intelligent enough to turn off the gas .

    关掉 煤气,够机灵的。

  • I 'll turn off thd heat and lock thd door before I go to bed .

    在我上床以前我会 关掉暖气和锁上门的。

  • Later at night do you turn off your cell phone ?

    夜深了,你的手机 吗?《夜深了,你的手机 吗?》。

  • However you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment .

    不过,你得完全 关闭嫉妒和怨恨。

  • He turned off only to find he was trapped in a town square with no easy exit .

    他转入 岔路,却发现自己困在了一个难觅出口的市镇广场。

  • It 's late so we may as well turn off the tv .

    很晚了,我们还是 电视

  • I usually do not turn off my cell phone .

    我通常不会 关掉我的手机。

  • You forgot to turn off the light .

    你忘了 关灯

  • Teaching off a blackboard is boring and undoubtedly turns people off .


  • Turn off the TV at once !

    马上 电视 机关