


  • While many American manufacturers look to China as a place to make their products with cheap labor an odd turnabout is taking place in this small town northeast of Columbia .

    凯姆登南卡 纳州)当许多美国制造商把中国视为一个可以利用最廉价的劳动力进行生产的 地方时,一个与此 截然 相反 事情在哥伦比亚东北方的一个小镇里发生了。

  • Nor will you find many people who foresaw this dramatic turnabout in China 's civil war .

    没有几个人曾预见到中国内战这种戏剧性的 转折

  • The electronic gun with the large turnabout radius of Gyrotron was designed - . studied - ~ calculated - . analyzed and discussed .

    探索和研究了大 回旋电子枪的设计、模拟计算方法。

  • With turnabout of contemporary Western Philosophy Metaphysics has been criticized by more and more philosophers nowadays .

    随着当代西方哲学的 转向,形而上学观已经受到越来越多哲学家的批判。

  • The government 's sudden turnabout on unemployment has caused some confusion .

    政府在失业问题上的突然 转向造成了某种混乱。

  • But the turnabout in popularity is still quite remarkable .


  • By probing into Tu s political career this paper tries to analyze the reasons for his turnabout and make some comments .

    本文试图从 土登 的政治生涯出发,对其 转变的原因作一分析并 加以 评。

  • This turnabout is the logical result of the development of the theory and practice of the regional development strategy since 1949.This new strategy is rich in new ideas and will push China 's regional development strategy forward to a new stage .

    这次 战略 转向是建国以来区域发展战略理论与实践发展的必然结果,这一新战略具有以区域协调发展为战略目标,以区域协调机制的构建作为区域协调发展的战略重点等新的内涵。

  • The fluidity of residue molten is poor because of its high viscosity and hydrogen bond make its viscosity turnabout at 258 ℃ .

    熔融态残渣粘度高,流动性差,氢键作用使残渣的流动 活化能在258℃ 发生 转折

  • In the design the electronic gun with the large turnabout radius of Gyrotron exists many news such calculating methods on the surface of the cathode ~ calculation boundaries ~ space charge ~ electric trajectories ~ dynamic simulation and so on .

    在诸如 阴极区处理、边界的处理、空间电荷的计算、电子轨迹的计算和模拟过程的屏幕动态显示等方面 均有 创新 之处

  • About halfway through this story has a major turnabout .

    大约在中间部分的时候,这个故事突然有一个大大的 转变

  • Turnabout drum is to change the direction of transmission belt .

    滚筒用于改变输送带 运行方向。

  • I was eager to know what had caused the turnabout .

    我急于想知道造成 变卦的原因。

  • The concern for an idiot and the corresponding perspective show the text awareness of the contemporary writers and also bring about the turnabout in narrating modes and perspectives .

    尘埃落定》中傻子这一 常态 人物 形象及视角昭示着当代作家的文本自觉,也带来了当代小说叙事方式、叙事视角的 转变

  • That represents a startling turnabout from the pattern seen in recent decades when the US bond market dwarfed its European rival : as recently as 2002 outstanding euro-denominated issuance represented just 27 per cent of the global pie compared with 51 per cent for the dollar .

    这显示出债券市场格局的惊人 转变 过去几十年,美元债券市场份额 一直 高于欧洲债券:就在2002年,未偿付的欧元债券也仅占全球市场的27%,美元债券则占51%。

  • The turnabout in expectations is striking .

    分析师预期的 转变令人震惊。

  • As her confidence grows you may well see a considerable turnabout in her attitude .

    随着她自信心的增强,你很可能会看到她的态度有相当大的 转变

  • Government 's sudden turnabout on taxation surprised everyone .

    政府关于税收的政策突然 发布,让大家很吃惊。