turpentine oil


  • Practical results showed that the rectification efficiency satisfactorily met the design requirements and the column was a ideal device for the purification of rude turpentine oil

    生产证明,设计的精馏塔分离效果完全达到预定设计要求,是进行粗 松节油提纯 加工的理想设备

  • New achievement on some aroma chemical from turpentine oil

    若干 松节油 合成香料的新进展

  • Synthesis of juvenile hormone analogs ( JHA ) from turpentine oil was reviewed .

    对松 节油合成保幼激素类似物(JHA)的研究进展进行了综述。

  • The one-step hydration of turpentine oil catalyzed by macroporous cation exchange resin to synthesize high purity α - terpineol was studied .

    研究了以大孔阳离子交换树脂作为催化剂的 松节油一步法水合反应。

  • The Study of the Gold UFP Dispersed in Turpentine Oil

    分散在 松节油中的金超微粒子的性质

  • This article introduces the preparation method of @ - caryophyllene alcohol based on heavy turpentine oil via hydration separation and purification the product purity can reach 99.9 % .

    本文介绍了重质 松节油经水合反应、分离提纯制备β-石竹烯醇的方法,产品纯度可达99.9%。

  • The effect of Cinnamic acid on the conversion of turpentine oil to terpine hydrate was studied .

    本文对苯丙烯酸在 松节油转化成水合萜二醇反应中的作用进行了对比研究。

  • The effect of cinnamic acid on the conversion of turpentine oil to terpine hydrate

    苯丙烯酸 对松 节油转化水合萜二醇的作用研究

  • Effects of turpentine oil on the transdermal kinetics of diclofenac sodium on isolated skin in oude mice

    在裸小鼠皮肤上 松节油对双氯芬酸钠的渗透动力学研究

  • The lag time of the two permeation enhancers was lengthened and the lag time of turpentine oil was longer than that of Azone ( P < 0.05 ) .

    两种促透剂对双氯芬酸钠的时滞均有延长, 松节油延长更明显(P<0.05)。

  • Use turpentine and linseed oil three parts to two .

    松节油和亚麻 比例为3:2。

  • Turpentine oil moves slowly while temperature is at 60 ℃ .

    而60℃时 松节油移动较慢。

  • Analysis of chemical components of dry distillation turpentine oil

    干馏 松节油化学成分分析

  • Methods The model of facial chronic inflammatory pain was established by hypodermic injection of turpentine oil according to the method of Neumann ( 1996 ) . The pain threshold of facial skin was measured once a day for 15 days using a thermal measurement apparatus of pain .

    方法参照Neumann(1996)报道的研究方法,采用大鼠面部皮下注射 松节油建立慢性炎症痛模型,用热测痛的方法测定面部皮肤的痛阈值,每天一次,连续测15d。

  • The aseptic turpentine oil was injected into rabbit ′ s thigh and caused the muscle to form abscess . The relation between the characteristics of ultrasonic color Doppler imaging and pathologic changes was explored .

    对家兔大腿注射无菌 松节油造成肌肉脓肿,观察正常和损伤部位超声图像与病理学改变之间的关系。

  • Without the dissolving of the turpentine oil the solid state rosin can not seep out from the wood .

    失去了 松节油溶解作用的固态松香,在木材中不再渗出。

  • Research on Determination of minim total sulfur content in turpentine oil by Microcoulometry

    微库仑滴定法测定 松节油中微量总硫含量的研究

  • Analysis of Resource of Pinus elliottii and Content of Its Turpentine Oil in Anfu County

    安福县湿地松资源及其 松节油 成分分析

  • Determination of sesquiterpene components in gum turpentine oil from Pinus massoniana

    马尾松 松节油倍半萜烯成分的分析

  • In the condition of high temperature and high humidity the turpentine oil will boil together with water and it will be removed from the test wood accompanying with the water vapour .

    在高温高湿条件下,木材中的 松节油与水在紧接水的沸点温度下共沸,并随蒸汽排出试材。

  • Constitution analysis of heavy turpentine oil treated catalytically by heteropoly acid

    用杂多酸催化处理的重质 松节油组成分析

  • Study on the chemical constituents of wood turpentine oil flotation oil and distillation residue extracted from pine stumps

    红松明子抽提物& 木松 节油、选矿油、釜残 化学成分的研究

  • Application of Turpentine Oil in Synergist and Pesticide and Its Progress

    陕北 石油 秩序 松节油在农药增效剂及杀虫剂中的应用与进展

  • In China resource of heavy turpentine oil which is about 500t / a can provide plenty raw material source for application and development of @ - caryophyllene alcohol .

    我国重质 松节油资源约为500t/a,可为β-石竹烯醇的应用开发提供充足的原料来源。

  • Study on One-Step-Method Preparation of Frother for Mineral Flotation with Crude Sulfate Turpentine Oil and Synergetic Effect of Effective Components in the Frother

    粗硫酸盐 松节油一步法合成矿物浮选剂及其有效成分的协同作用研究

  • STUDY ON THE RECTIFYING TECHNOLOGY OF HYDROGENATED TURPENTINE Separation of Industrial Pinene Directly from the Turpentine Oil in Continuous Distillation Process of Oleoresin

    氢化 松节油的精馏工艺研究松脂连续蒸馏直接提取工业蒎烯

  • Some of them come first on the list in the world such as cassia oil star anise peppermint oil menthol turpentine oil eucalyptus oil and cedar wood oil etc.

    其中,如桂油、八角茴香、薄荷油、薄荷脑、桉叶油、 松节油、柏木油等的 产量已居世界前列或首位。

  • GLC analysis of synthetic borneol and ■ - pinene in turpentine oil

    合成冰片与 松节油中■-蒎烯的GLC分析

  • Progress on the synthesis of juvenile hormone analogs from turpentine oil


  • Synthesis of Isolongifolene from Heavy Turpentine Oil Catalyzed by Compound Catalysts

    复合催化剂催化重质 松节油合成异长叶烯反应的研究