turnover receivables

[经] 应收款项周转率(额)

  • The receivable turnover in days expresses in how many days the account receivables were collected during the past year .

    应收账款 周转天数表达了过去年度里 收账 是多长时间收回的。

  • The receivable turnover expresses the firm 's ability and speed of collecting cash from customers and reflects how many times the receivables have turned to cash for the past year .

    应收账款 周转 能够表达企业从客户手中收回现金的能力和速度,反映了过去年度里 收账 转化为现金的次数。

  • The higher the turnover rate the more liquid the company 's receivables .

    周转率越高,公司的 收账 流动性越强。

  • The relation (?) Discussion on the relationship between current ratio and turnover ratio of receivables

    浅谈 流动比率与 应收 帐款 周转率的关系

  • This paper analyzes the influences to current ratio by turnover speed of receivables .

    文章着重分析和探讨了 收帐 周转速度对流动比率的影响。

  • This accounts receivable turnover rate tells us how many times the company 's average investment in receivables was converted into cash during the year .

    这个应收账款 周转率告诉我们这家公司当年在 收账 中的平均投资 转为现金的 流转次数。