turnkey well

[ˈtɚnˌki wɛl][ˈtə:nki wel]

[经] 全承包井

  • Acting as a system integrator we are also a trio of specialists providing with turnkey solutions to our clients in the aspects of professional lighting stage engineering as well as broadcasting .

    作为一家专业级别的系统集成商,公司还为客户在专业灯光、舞台机械 以及广播领域提供交 钥匙服务。

  • Under the contract turnkey approach by the general contractor the work undertaken by the owner in quality surveillance of imported equipment as well as experience and lessons drawn are presented .

    介绍了在总承包商 钥匙合同模式下,业主在进口设备质量监督方面所开展的工作, 以及从中得到的经验教训。

  • Puritek provide process engineering solutions and turnkey project services as well as investment services in the water environmental and utilities field .
