



  • And the truckle can auto-adapted to the complex state of roads when walking . Firstly the robot is divided into parallel mechanism and series combined mechanism based on the conception due to the designed robot in this paper and calculate the DOF separately .

    首先,本文把机器人在概念上分为并联机构和 串联机构两部分,并计算其自由度。

  • Why do you truckle to your mother like that ? She has no right to give you orders you are a grown woman now .

    你为什么要那样 顺从你母亲?她无权向你发号施令,你已是个成年女子了。

  • Scarlett had always feared them even the mildest cow seemed sinister to her but this was no time to truckle to small fears when great ones crowded so thick upon her .

    思嘉也一直害怕牛,连最温驯的母牛她也 觉得 了。不过, 如今有那么多最可怕的 事物 在她 面前,她就不能再 屈服于那些小小的危险了。

  • This country will never truckle to bullies .

    这个国家将永不 屈从于强暴者。

  • Don 't truckle under to unreasonable demands .

    不要 无理要求 屈服

  • A new kind of medical truckle Car World Buying a Car

    介绍一种新型 担架