


  • It has been a remarkable turnaround for Gorman in the past year and a half .

    过去一年半, 高文成功地 扭转了不利的局面。

  • Nokia this morning touted a sharp turnaround in its smartphone share for the last quarter of2009 .

    诺基亚公司近日宣称自己的智能手机产品在去年第四季度的手机市场上打了一场漂亮的 翻身仗。

  • Yet investors remain worried about the prospects of an economic recovery and the timeline for any turnaround .

    至今投资者仍然担心经济复苏的前景和任何 好转的时间表。

  • The turnaround that our men and women in uniform have made possible in Iraq is a brilliant achievement .


  • Now Lenovo faces a bigger challenge than its recent turnaround .

    现在,联想正面临一个比它不久 经历 扭亏 过程还要艰巨的挑战。

  • A new survey shows signs of a turnaround in Northern California 's housing market .

    一项新的调查显示加利福尼亚州北部的住房市场有了 回暖迹象。

  • I don 't see any vast turnarounds in the way we do business .

    我认为我们的经营方式不会有任何大的 改变

  • EULAR assembles expert panels and uses a well established infrastructure that allows for much faster turnaround he said .

    他说:而欧洲风湿病防治联合会则集中专家小组并采用一个建立的很好的允许更快进行 思想 转变的机构。

  • The deal marks a turnaround in the fortunes of South Wales Electricity

    这一协议标志着南威尔士电力 公司 时来运转

  • He was referring to his turnaround of ventures such as Japan Telecom Vodaphone and willcom .

    他指的是,他 实现了日本电信(JapanTelecom)、沃达丰(Vodaphone)和Willcom的扭亏为

  • What 's your ideal turnaround time when you need information ?

    您需要信息时的理想 周转时间是多久?

  • This is a turnaround for the sugar business previously notorious for exploited labour insolvency and pollution .

    这是一个制糖行业 转折 机会,以前制糖行业因为其剥削劳工、破产和污染等而臭名远扬。

  • Understanding how your client makes decisions and their turnaround time is important when estimating .

    在进行评估时,了解客户的决策方法以及他们的“ 周转时间”非常重要。

  • We can-as the first industrialized nation-accomplish such a turnaround to high-efficient and renewable energies without compromising exports development technology and jobs .

    作为第一个工业国家,我们可以在不对出口,发展,技术和工作作出妥协的情况下实现向高效率和再生能源的 转变

  • Turnaround : A recovery from poor performance . Can refer to an economy a market or a company .


  • These figures may be indicative of a turnaround in the economy .

    这些数字表明了经济的 回升

  • More importantly China is undergoing a turnaround in its credit cycle .

    更重要的是,中国正经历信贷周期的 转变

  • Still in crisis situations when an urgent turnaround is needed it can be an effective approach .

    但在危机情形下需要紧急 扭转 局势时,这可能是一种有效的办法。

  • This mechanism helps both the business and IT to adapt to the changing business needs with quick turnaround time .

    此机制可帮助业务部门和IT部门适应不断 迅速变化的业务需求。

  • At this year 's show the subject of choice was the firm 's nascent turnaround .

    在今年的车展上,大家又关注到这家公司开始有了 好转 迹象

  • The agency should reduce turnaround time by 11 per cent .

    该代理机构应削减11%的 周转时间。

  • We give a rapid turnaround .

    我们给予了一次迅速的 转变

  • Its purpose is to provide fast turnaround .

    它的目的是为了提供快速 交接

  • This year we 're hoping for an economic turnaround .

    我们希望今年的经济能有 好转

  • This resulted in earlier detection of defects and faster defect fix turnaround time .

    这导致了较早地检测出缺陷,并且更快地缺陷修复 周转时间。

  • I have personally never done such a complete turnaround in my opinion of a person

    我个人在对人的评价上从没有过如此彻底的 转变

  • It is possible to produce a result within 34 hours but the standard turnaround is 12 days

    有可能在34小时之内得出结果,但正常的 周期是12天。

  • The U.S.government 's attitude marks a stark turnaround .

    美国政府的态度出现了明显的 转变

  • I have no doubt that it was the film club which activated the turnaround .

    我确信是电影俱乐部促成了 他的 转变