



  • Take the next turning on the right .

    在下一个 路口向右拐。

  • I only take on work that excites me even if it means turning down lots of money

    我只做那些令我感兴趣的工作,即使这意味着 很多钱。

  • We 're taking relatively benign medicines and we 're turning them into poisons .

    我们服的药相对来说药性温和,但是我们却在 它们变成毒药。

  • About three hundred yards farther on there is a turning to the left .

    再往前大约300码有一个向左 拐角

  • These local elections may prove a turning point in more ways than one .

    这些地方选举从许多方面来说都是一个 转折点。

  • At that moment he heard Gill 's key turning in the lock of the door

    那一刻,他听见吉尔的钥匙 开启门锁的声音。

  • We really went to town on it turning it into a full three-day show

    我们下了真功夫, 它办成了一场内容丰富、为时三天的展览。

  • They have been turning out great blades for 400 years .

    他们生产优质 刀片已经有400年历史了。

  • The vote yesterday appears to mark something of a turning point in the war

    昨天的投票似乎标志着战争中的某个 转折点。

  • She bustled about turning on lights moving pillows around on the sofa .


  • That programme received critical acclaim and marked a turning point in Sonita 's career .

    那个项目赢得了评论界的好评,成为索尼塔事业的 转折点。

  • The cutters are opened by turning the knob anticlockwise .

    逆时针 转动旋钮可以开启切割机。

  • Frank was carrying out fuel-system tests which necessitated turning the booster pumps off .

    弗兰克在做燃料系统测试,这一测试需要 关掉升压泵。

  • I realized I 'd let myself in for something from which there was no turning back .

    我意识到自己陷入了没有 退路 境地

  • I think she showed great strength of character in turning down what must have been a very lucrative offer


  • Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate

    日本公司已经由生产型企业 转而从事金融和房地产业。

  • He was coming down the road the same time as the girl was turning into the lane

    当女孩 进这个车道时,他也正沿着这条路驶来。

  • Too often women find their jobs turning into nooses around their neck .

    女性常常感到工作 了一种束缚。

  • I could plainly see him turning his head to the right and left

    我能清楚地看到他左右 摇晃着脑袋。

  • Turning over she was soon sound asleep again .

    了个 ,很快又沉沉睡去。

  • Hungary 's opening of the border was a turning point for the refugees .

    匈牙利开放边境对难民来说是个 转机

  • He originally acted as a fence for another gang before turning to burglary himself .

    他开始时为另一个犯罪团伙 销赃,后来就自己干起了抢劫。

  • My mum is turning into a religious maniac .

    我妈妈正在 为一个宗教狂热分子。

  • His chauffeur misread his route and took a wrong turning .

    他的司机看错路线, 错了方向。

  • Surely nobody would suggest turning him out of the house

    当然不会有人建议 他从房子里赶出去。

  • ' Help ! ' I screamed turning to run .

    “救命!”我尖叫道, 转身就跑。

  • Slow down when turning a corner .

    拐弯 慢行。

  • An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever .

    电梯修理工可以 转动这根杠杆直接操作机器。

  • Darwin must be turning in his grave at the thought of what is being perpetrated in his name .

    一想到冒他之名所做下的那些事,达尔文在 九泉之下一定不得安宁。

  • I considered turning back but it was getting late so I pressed on .

    我想 往回 ,但天色已晚,只好继续前行。