turn tail

[tɚn tel][tə:n teil]


  • Calling upon the instincts passed down from your ancient squirrel ancestors you rush at the snake kick sand in its face try to bite its tail and then turn your back on it and whip your tail around .

    从祖先那里继承的本能会让松鼠冲向响尾蛇,向它的脸上踢沙子,试图咬它的尾巴,接着 转过 来,摇动自己的 尾巴

  • Should Rio turn tail again ?

    力拓是否应该再次 转身 逃跑呢?

  • That money pouring in now in short could turn tail before the year is out .

    简而言之,目前涌入的那些资金, 可能年底前撤离。

  • However the Coulomb-interactions between fusion produced energetic ions and electrons turn to be weakening a fraction of bulk Maxwellian fuel ions will be shifted to super-hot tail ions in their distribution functions hence D - ~ 3He fusion reactivity may be enhanced .

    部分本底燃料离子被高能的聚变反应产物核击出而提升到分布函数 尾部成为超热燃料离子,从而可能提高 D-3He聚变的反应性。

  • But that 's no reason to turn tail and run whenever Khomeini shouts yankee go home !

    但这并不构成每当霍梅尼大叫老美,滚回去!时 掉头 跑的理由。

  • When Jesus tells them clearly that the future is bleak and that suffering and death waits them they do not turn tail .

    但耶稣清楚地告诉他们未来凄凉,苦难和死亡等待着他们,他们没有人 逃跑

  • Because of information article and service can with nearly free affording to have no risk commerce begin turn to these long tail especially .

    由于信息、物品和服务可以几乎免费而无风险地获取,商业重点开始 转向这个长长的 尾巴

  • Wu zun : yes and he would walk and turn and let the coat tail do its dance in the wind .

    吴尊对然后他就会走著走著然后来个 转弯让他的披风在风中起舞。