turn from

[tɚn frʌm][tə:n frɔm]


  • High prices and severe commercial difficulties encouraged some investors to turn from commerce to manufacturing .

    昂贵的价格与贸易的极度艰难促使一些投资者 商业 转向制造业。

  • When markets turn from bubble to reality a lot of people get burned .

    当市场 泡沫回到现实,很多人的资产已被蒸发。

  • If that nation against whom I have pronounced turn from their evil I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them .

    所说的那一邦,若是 离开他们的恶,我就必后悔,不将我想要施行的灾祸降与他们。

  • Don 't let evil thoughts or doubts make any of you turn from the living God .

    不要让邪恶的意念和疑心,使你们 离弃了永活的上帝。

  • I want to turn from my sins . I now invite you to come into my heart and life . I want to trust and follow You as the Lord and Savior of my life .

    我相信你为我的罪死在十字架上,我要 罪,请你现在就进入我的生命,成为我的救主。

  • Left turn from your present position taxi to north for runway 21 .

    现在位置 左转,向北滑行,使用21号跑道。

  • I love you purely as they turn from praise .

    我纯洁地爱着你,如人们 赞美垂首。

  • Decide where the dart has to be rested and which dart is unwanted . call in turn from right to left or from back to front numbers that determine some position or function .

    决定 省道所处的位置以及哪个省是不需要的。 右向左或从后向前喊数来决定位置或作用。

  • The case becomes even clearer if we turn from farming to other forms of business .

    要是我们不 农业, 而是谈其他的商业形式,上述道理还会更加明显。

  • You soon will turn from a student to a professional and from a natural man to a social man .

    所以,我希望同学们要尽快 学校人 转向职业人,从自然人转向社会人;

  • We are bringing you good news telling you to turn from these worthless things to the living God who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them .

    我们只是给你们传扬福音,为叫你们 离开这些虚无之物, 归依生活的天主,是他创造了天地海洋和其中的一切。

  • To get around this problem we need to figure out what angle to turn from the number of sides we want the shape to have .

    要避开这个问题,我们需要算出我们希望的多边形需要 多少度的角。

  • Turn from a straight course or fixed direction .

    直线或固定的路线 转向

  • There is some water left in bottle when we Turn from park tody .

    今天逛 公园, 还剩了一点儿水。

  • Over the next decade we have to hope that their thoughts will turn from fornication to procreation .

    在今后的10年,我们不得不期望他们的思想 玩乐转向生育。

  • That is to say turn from your abdomen until your torso is facing square forward as close as you can achieve .

    这就是说, 你的下腹部 开始 扭转直到躯干,尽你可能做到的以正方形面对前面。

  • Yet thou sayest Because I am innocent surely his anger shall turn from me .

    你还说,我无辜。耶和华的怒气必定 我消了。

  • If you agree to accept Christ into your heart and turn from your sin .

    你若愿神进入你的内心 洗清你的罪。

  • How long will it be before you tell your people to turn from the pursuit of their brothers ?

    你要等何时才叫百姓 回去追赶弟兄呢?

  • Turn from an upright or normal position . On flat place the railway is very straight .

    垂直或水平位置 掉下。平原上的铁路很直。

  • I love thee freely as men strive for Right ; I love thee purely as they turn from praise .

    我自由地爱着你,像人们争取他们的权利;我纯洁地爱着你,如人们 赞美垂首。

  • This paper puts forward the viewpoint of the metaphorical turn from a new perspective : Metaphors are an indispensable element of scientific theorizing .

    布雷德 一个新的视角论述了他的隐喻性 转向的观点:隐喻是科学的理论化所必不可少的要素。

  • Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth .

    不听犹太人荒渺的言语,和 离弃真道之人的诫命。

  • Call in turn from right to left or from back to front numbers that determine some position or function .


  • Does this idea show your turn from post-structuralism ?

    这一观点是否表明了您对后结构主义的 背离

  • The essential notions of the modern hermeneutics in the West went beyond the traditional hermeneutics forming a fundamental turn from methodology to ontology .

    西方现代解释学有关经典阐释的基本观念,超越了传统的解释学理论,实现了 方法到本体的重大 转向

  • Fifthly when you have once commenced a proper undertaking never turn from it .

    第五,正当的事一旦开始做,就不要 回头

  • I dared not think that they would turn from me with disdain and horror .

    我怎么也没想到他们会带着 憎和恐惧 我身边逃开。

  • But no-I shall refuse every one of them and with a disdainful toss turn from them .

    但是不行&我要轻蔑地把头一扬, 转身过去不理他们,让他们人人都碰个钉子。

  • I love thee purely as they turn from Praise .

    我爱你,纯洁无邪,如同人们 回绝颂扬。