turn back the clock

[tɚn bæk ði klɑk][tə:n bæk ðə klɔk]


  • No one can ever turn back the clock .

    没有人能 时光 倒流

  • A Thai natural health practitioner claims she can turn back the clock simply by ' face-slapping . ' The traditional technique is said to erase wrinkles shrink pores and tighten the skin without surgery instead using slapping kneading and massaging of the area .

    一位泰国自然疗法医师称,她可以通过扇耳光让青春 倒流。这项传统技艺据说能消除皱纹、收缩毛孔、紧致肌肤,不需开刀,只需拍打、揉捏和按摩脸部。

  • It would be easy to speculate about what we could have done differently but that wouldn 't turn back the clock .

    推测我们会采取什么样不同的方法是容易的,但 时间不会 倒转

  • But the way for us to remain the greatest country on Earth isn 't to turn back the clock and put the special interests in charge .

    但让我们保持成为全球最伟大国家的途径不是 回到 过去和让特殊利益集团掌权。

  • We have swallowed bucketloads of antioxidant-rich products in a belief that the antioxidants they contain could improve our health and turn back the aging clock .

    我们吞下许多的“富含抗氧化物的产品”,相信它们所含的抗氧化物可以改善健康, 延缓 衰老

  • You can 't turn back the clock but you can turn back your mind understand something you previously missed and set your whole future on a different course .

    你不能 逆转 时间,但你可以回心转意,理解你以前错过的东西,并设定一个不一样的未来。

  • It is impossible to turn back the clock .

    回去 当年 境界是不可能了。

  • How the state will resolve the ambiguities is uncertain . In the opinion of some experts however it is already too late to turn back the clock .

    国家怎样节约这种模棱两可还不确定。然而,一些专家认为, 为时已晚

  • It is not possible to turn back the clock but it is possible to provide EMF protection for ourselves and our children .

    这是不可能 时钟 倒转,但它可能提供电磁场保护我们自己和我们的孩子。

  • Even if western leaders suddenly were to decide they wished to turn back the clock the logistics of embracing a new gold standard would be mind-boggling .

    就算西方领导人突然表示希望 时光 倒流,拥抱新的金本位制也会是一种令人惊愕的象征派思维。

  • I wish I could turn back the clock .

    我真希望可以 时光 倒转

  • Ah if only I could turn back the clock .

    啊,除非我能 时光 倒流

  • One of the biggest questions in stem cell biology is how the cloning process manages to turn back the clock of mature cells resetting them to their embryonic potential .

    干细胞生物学研究中最大的一个问题就是克隆过程如何能 成熟细胞 恢复年幼,使它们 回到胚胎细胞状态。

  • I wish you every happiness but let 's not try and turn back the clock .

    我祝你幸福,但是别 历史 重演

  • There are some who believe that we must try to turn back the clock on this new world ;

    有人认为我们必须设法 放慢新世界 脚步

  • It won 't turn back the clock or even hold it still .

    不过,这个东西也无法 时钟 倒转,甚至无法让它停下。

  • Few want to turn back the clock and many of those investments are very much welcomed most notably the expansion in the metro system .

    没有多少人愿意 倒车。许多投资也非常受欢迎,特别是地铁扩建工程。

  • Turn back the clock because we 're going back in time !

    时光 倒转我们回到过去!

  • Consumption of fish oil combined with weight training could help turn back the clock for ageing human muscle according to a study presented on Wednesday at the British Science Festival .

    周三英国科学节(britishsciencefestival)上公布的一项研究表明,服用鱼油并辅以负重训练,可能有助于 逆转人体肌肉 衰老

  • And in a survey to mark the start of Diabetes Week thousands of people said they wish they could turn back the clock .

    在为纪念糖尿病周的发起而开展的一项调查中,成千上万的人说他们希望 时光能够 倒转

  • Behind the indignation in the us about dodgy Chinese products there has sometimes been another sentiment a desire to turn back the clock to the time when China was only too happy to lock itself in a box and turn its back on the rest of the world .

    在美国,不可靠的中国产品引起的义愤背后,有时还有另外一种情感渴望 回到中国陶醉于闭关锁国、背向整个世界的岁月。

  • Asking China to turn back the clock on its growing role in the global economy is not the answer .

    要求中国 放弃在全球经济中越来越重要的作用是不能解决问题的。

  • I feel surprise when hearing about that because when I turn back the clock and put myself into the old days I didn 't realise that they were in such difficult position because I was so stupid .

    当了解到这些,我感到非常吃惊。当我 时间 倒退,将自己置身当时,我无法觉察他们的艰难处境。

  • Richard wished that he had lived in frontier days but he can 't turn back the clock .

    理查德希望生活在从前拓荒的时代,但是他却不能 使 光阴 倒转