


  • Experimental Study on the Safety of Compound Zedoary Turmeric Oil Cremor

    外用药复方 莪术油乳膏的安全性实验研究

  • By3000 BC turmeric cardamom black pepper and mustard were harvested in India .

    由公元前3000年, 姜黄,豆蔻,黑胡椒和芥末收获了印度。

  • Green tea contains a similar compound as does curcumin the key ingredient of the curry spice turmeric .

    绿茶 中和咖喱香料的主要元素 姜黄素中也含有类似的复合物。

  • Turmeric is mildly aromatic and has scents of orange or ginger . It has a pungent bitter flavor .


  • For example texts indicate that roots of the Indian spice turmeric should be collected at night time .

    比如,该书记录说,印度香料 姜黄根的根茎需要在夜间采集。

  • In Chinese medicine turmeric is used to treat shoulder pain menstrual cramps and colic .

    在中国医学方面, 郁金被使用来治疗肩痛、月经的痉挛,和绞痛。

  • AIM : To observe the adverse drug reaction of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection in treating respiratory infection .

    目的:观察 莪术油葡萄糖注射液治疗呼吸道感染的不良反应。

  • Ground dried rhizome of the turmeric plant used as seasoning .

    磨碎的、干的 姜黄植物的根茎,用作调味品。

  • Objective To study the effectiveness of zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection and smecta on acute watery diarrhea .

    目的观察 莪术油葡萄糖注射液、思密达治疗急性水样腹泻的疗效。

  • Mix the tamarind chili powder cumin turmeric and salt with 2 tbsps cold water .

    罗望子浓缩精、辣椒粉、茴香粉、 黄姜粉、盐与两汤匙水拌匀。

  • Clinical Analysis on Zedoary Turmeric Oil Treating Infants with Bronchopneumonia


  • Turmeric This spice is present in many curries and can be recognized by its yellow color .


  • Topping the2001 table of most common stains was turmeric a pungent powder used to flavor and color curry .

    名列2001年排行榜首位的最常见污渍来自味道刺激的 黄粉,咖喱的风味和颜色就是来源于它。

  • Therapeutic Effects of Hepatic Artery Infusion with Compound Zedoary Turmeric Oil Microsphere on Transplanted Hepatoma in Rats

    复方 莪术油微球肝动脉栓塞对大鼠移植性肝癌的治疗作用

  • Recent research reveals that consuming green tea and curcumin ( an anti-inflammatory compound found in the curry spice turmeric ) may help combat skin cancer .

    最近研究发现,饮用绿茶和 姜黄素(一种在咖喱香料中发现的抗炎化合物)可能有助于对抗皮肤癌。

  • Curcumin a bright-yellow compound found in the root of the Indian spice turmeric prevented new fear memories being stored in the brain and also removed pre-existing fear memories researchers found .

    姜黄素,一个明亮的黄色化合物,在印度香料 姜黄根粉末之中被发现,研究人员发现它可以阻止了新产生的恐惧记忆储存于大脑之中,并且可以删除原有的恐惧记忆。

  • Now I have the hands of the do 's and fresh turmeric .


  • An extract found in the bright yellow curry spice turmeric can kill off cancer cells scientists have shown .

    科学家展示,从 嫩黄咖喱粉提取的一种 物质可杀死癌细胞。

  • Most curries contain turmeric cumin allspice cardamon ginger garlic and capsicum - spices with stro ng anti-bacterial properties .

    大多数咖喱含有 ,孜然多香果粉(一种香料),豆蔻,生姜,大蒜和辣椒,具有较强的抗菌性能。

  • The experts also said antioxidants like garlic rosemary saffron and turmeric have qualities that could fight cancer .

    专家还说,像蒜, 迷迭香,藏红花粉,沉金粉这样的香料含有抵抗癌症的物质。

  • Combine soy sauce honey turmeric garlic and oil in a ceramic bowl .

    结合酱油、蜂蜜、 姜黄、在一个陶瓷碗的大蒜和油。

  • They said they isolated a compound in turmeric a yellow spice that gives Indian curry powder its distinctive color that appears to stimulate a specific response against Alzheimer 's symptoms .

    他们称,他们从 姜黄中分离了一种化合物,可刺激一种特异反应以对抗阿尔茨海默病症状。姜黄是一种黄色调料,它构成了印度咖喱粉独特的颜色。

  • Given its strong taste use turmeric sparingly to avoid overwhelming the flavor of other ingredients .

    它给予人强烈的口感,使用 少许 姜黄避免它掩盖住其它成份的味道。

  • Methods A statistical analysis was conducted on82 Zedoray turmeric oil injection-induced ADR cases reported in domestic medical journals .

    方法对国内医药期刊报道的82例 莪术油注射液不良反应病例进行分类统计分析。

  • Turmeric : The superstar of spices it may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties .

    姜黄:是“香料的超级巨星”,它可能具有抗炎和抗癌特性。 :混合 鸡蛋 任何 素菜中。

  • For a main course a Persian stew of yellow split peas and quinces with turmeric and saffron .

    主菜是干豌豆和榅桲果做的波斯炖锅,配料有 姜黄和藏红花。

  • Determination of Curcuminoids in Turmeric by HPLC

    HPLC内标法测定 姜黄中姜黄素类成分的含量