

vt.& vi.使转动旋转使改变方向使不适



  • He turned abruptly and walked away

    他突然 转身走了。

  • It was his ambition to accumulate a million dollars before he turned thirty

    他立志要在 而立之年以前攒够100万美元。

  • He is having one of his turns

    他又 犯病了。

  • The firm will be able to service debt and still turn a modest profit

    那家公司将有能力支付债务,而且还会 得一笔可观的利润。

  • One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who in turn confided in a reporter .

    手术小组的一名成员把这个消息泄露给了在一起工作的一个内科医生, 后者 透露给了一位记者。

  • We turned our attention to the practical matters relating to forming a company

    我们 开始考虑有关成立公司的具体事宜。

  • He did you a good turn by resigning


  • These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers

    这些团体现 转而致力于大规模的回收利用工作。

  • As the wheel turned the potter shaped the clay

    轮子一边 转动,制陶工人一边拉坯。

  • The game turned in the 56th minute .

    比赛在第56分钟时发生了 扭转

  • There was not much time before the tide turned .

    不久就要 涨潮

  • To order turn to page 236 .

    如需订购, 参见236页。

  • He turned the pages of a file in front of him .


  • He felt too shocked to move . His world had been turned upside down .

    他惊呆了。他的世界已经完全被 打乱

  • Tonight it 's my turn to cook

    今晚该我 做饭了。

  • For assistance they turned to one of the city 's most innovative museums

    他们 求助于该市最具创新风格的一家博物馆。

  • They fled to South America around the turn of the century .

    他们在世纪之 逃到了南美洲。

  • He turned into the narrow terraced street where he lived


  • They were still doing wild acrobatics in the yard turning somersaults and cartwheels .

    他们还在院子里一通杂耍, 着跟头,玩着侧手翻。

  • If it turns cold cover plants

    如果天气 冷, 植物盖 起来

  • Turn a special key press the brake pedal and your car 's brakes lock


  • They turned their telescopes towards other nearby galaxies

    他们 望远镜转向附近其他星系。

  • He tried to turn the gun on me

    他企图 枪对准我。

  • A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale

    在这个卡通童话里王子 变成了一只青蛙。

  • The sea would turn pale pink and the sky blood red

    大海会 变成浅粉色,天空 变成血红色。

  • They were horrified at this unexpected turn of events .

    这种 出乎意料的形势 变化 他们无比震惊。

  • Its operations were hampered at every turn by inadequate numbers of trained staff

    因为缺乏训练有素的员工,其生产经营总是遇到各种 障碍

  • His tone was by turns angry and aggrieved .

    他的语气 时而透着愤怒,时而流露出哀怨。