turbine casing

[ˈtɚbɪn ˈkesɪŋ][ˈtə:bin ˈkeɪsɪŋ]


  • Study of Fabrication Process for 600 MW Steam Turbine LP Inner Casing

    600MW 汽轮机低压内 装焊工艺研究

  • Steam turbine casing collision test is used to determine the minimum through-flow clearance between rotor and assembled casing parts .

    汽轮机 缸体碰撞试验用来确定汽轮机转子与已装配好的汽缸零件之间存在的最小通流间隙。

  • The Method for Constructing a Model of Turbine Casing in 3D - FEM

    汽轮机 缸体三维有限元建模方法研究

  • Long with increase of unit capacity and work head for hydraulic turbine upgrade of steel plate strength used for spiral casing is needed .

    随着 水轮机单机容量和使用水头的提高,对 蜗壳钢板的强度要求也相应提高,因此,研究高强度 蜗壳钢板势在必行。

  • It describes and analysis accident of steam rubbing in turbine casing make accident confirm the damage of steam rubbing compare to the new turbine-design point out discussion in every system of advantage and shortcoming .

    针对 汽轮机 汽缸内因鼓风损失引起的事故进行分析、探讨,认定了蒸汽摩擦鼓风损失的危害,与新 设计 机组对比,指出各自系统的优缺点。

  • Situation and Development of Steam Wetness Measurement in Turbine Exhaust Casing

    汽轮机 末级湿度测量方法研究现状及其发展

  • Model Testing and Research of Turbine Exhaust Casing


  • Flowing model and analysis of waterpower loss inside turbine casing of centrifugal pump

    离心泵 蜗壳内的流动模型及水力损失分析

  • Thermal stresses in a turbine casing are important for safety operation .

    汽缸的热应力,对 汽轮机的运行安全很重要。

  • Numerical simulation of three-dimensional turbulent flow through a turbine spiral casing with stay ring and guide vanes

    混流 水轮 蜗壳与座环三维中湍流场的数值模拟

  • In practice the turbine disc and the nozzles are fitted into a casing .

    实际上, 涡轮圆盘和喷嘴是装在 机壳里的。

  • Influence Probe of Steam Rubbing in Turbine Casing to Moving and Static Equipment


  • Experimental studies were carried out in a model turbine with a complete spiral casing .

    实验是在一带 蜗壳的模型 机构 装置上进行的。

  • Design defects of the former adding-gas structure are discovered and a new adding-gas structure with inlet turbine casing is presented by analysis of many kinds of pneumatic components and adding-gas structure .

    其次,找到了原加气结构的设计缺陷,并根据对多种气动元件的分析和加气结构的分析,提出了一种带有进气 的全新加气结构。

  • In this paper a mathematical model to calculate the rotor characteristic from turbine performance is developed by using the one-dimensional model of casing flow and stable flow turbine characteristics and then a mathematical model is given to predict single-board VGT turbine performance .

    本文运用 蜗壳流动一维模型和稳定流动涡轮特性,建立了计算叶轮特性的数学模型,推导了预测单舌型档板变截面 涡轮性能的数学模型。

  • Based on heat transfer theory the temperature field of turbine casing is calculate with assumption of cylinder structure .

    应用传 热学的基本理论以简化的圆筒结构为 研究 对象分析气缸的温度场。

  • Back steam into the turbine and drain condensate from the casing .

    蒸汽倒进 汽轮机并从 壳体排凝。

  • This paper calculates and analyzes the temperature field and stress field by3 D shell finite element method of125MW steam turbine 's low pressure inner casing .

    采用三维壳体有限元计算方法对125MW 汽轮机低压内 三维温度场、应力场进行了计算分析。

  • Condensing steam turbine is rebuilt into extraction heat supply turbine through the retrofitting of the casing and steam path so as to have capacity to supply extraction steam without impact of inner efficiency and power output and meet the requirements of heat users .

    通过 汽轮机 汽缸和通流部分改造,将纯凝汽式汽轮机改造成为抽汽供热式汽轮机,使机组在不影响内效率和出力的前提下,具备一定的抽汽能力,满足用户热负荷的需求。

  • The paper introduces the procedures of and problems for attention in dismantling two sets of turbine casing and the concrete pedestals on the floor of the hydropower station building by means of a combination of the explosive - cutting technology with static break charge .

    介绍采用爆炸切割技术与静态破碎相结合的方法,拆除水电站厂房内两组 蜗轮 机壳和楼面上部混凝土基础的施工方法和应注意的问题。

  • Application of New Technology to Machine Turbine Casing

    汽轮机 汽缸加工中新技术的应用

  • Theoretical Analysis on Heat Expansion of Steam Turbine Casing and Its Application

    瞬态 汽缸热膨胀的理论分析及应用

  • Theoretical Research on the Temperature Field of Steam Turbine Casing

    汽轮机 汽缸温度场的理论研究

  • Crack Repairing of Turbine Casing by Weld and Surfacing Welding of Casing Joint Face


  • Trouble Analysis and Elimination of Oil Leakage of Turbine Jet Engine Front Casing Vane

    喷发动机前 叶片漏油故障分析及排除

  • Development and Aerodynamic Design for Leaned and Twisted Cascade of Large Capacity Steam Turbine Low Pressure Casing

    大功率 汽轮机低压 斜扭叶栅的开发与气动设计

  • In recent years Deformation of the jointing surface can cause leak-off of steam from turbine casing which is a great defect in new power units and long-term operating units .

    近几年我国新装机组和长期运行机组会遇到因 汽轮机结合面变形造成 汽缸漏汽的重大缺陷,直接 影响 汽轮机 机组 运行的经济性和安全性。

  • Temperature-field and Stress Analysis of a Gas Turbine Rear Casing

    燃气 轮机 涡轮 温度场及应力分析

  • Steam Turbine Low - Pressure Casing Blade Crack Disposal Plan and Comparison

    汽轮机低压 叶片断裂处理方案及比较

  • Processing Research of MHI 350 MW Steam Turbine LP Outer Casing

    三菱350MW 汽轮机低压外 的加工工艺研究