


  • The advantage and disadvantage of3 different turbulent models used in numerical simulation are discussed .

    探讨了三种工程中常用的 湍流模型在模拟汽车外流场的计算中的优劣。

  • Our journey took us seven days with delays for fog wind and a turbulent southwesterly airflow .

    我们的旅行持续了7天,航程中因雾、风和西南方向的强 气流耽误了些时间。

  • The characteristics of turbulent flow in a high pressure turbine cascade were investigated experimentally .

    本文对一种高压涡轮导向叶栅中的 紊流特性进行了实验研究。

  • Faetor is analyses the impact of pneumatic turbulent flow on the infrared guidance missile detector .

    分析了气动 湍流对红外导引头探测性能的影响。

  • China 's turbulent history also appears to have had an impact on the generation that lived through it .

    中国 动荡的历史也好像对经历了这段时期的人们产生了影响。

  • We got away from that turbulent room .

    我们逃离了那个 吵闹的房间。

  • They had been together for five or six turbulent years of rows and reconciliations

    他们在一起生活了五六年,一直吵吵 闹闹,分分合合,没有片刻安宁。

  • CDIPSAR algorithm on compressible and dense gas solid two phase turbulent flow is developed .

    在DIPSAR算法的基础上,推导了适用于可压密相气固两相 湍流流动数值计算的CDIPSAR算法。

  • The result shows that : the flow on slope covered by grass is turbulent flow or transition flow ;

    结果表明,有草被覆盖的坡面 层流的流态基本上呈过渡流和 紊流

  • Viscous-fluid flow laminar and turbulent boundary layers .

    黏性流、层流和 紊流边界层。

  • The turbulent flow in2 D mixed compression supersonic inlet is simulated by numerical method .

    对二元混压超音速进气道 湍流流场进行了数值模拟。

  • The present international situation remains tense and turbulent .

    当前的国际局势依然紧张 动荡

  • The current is turbulent .

    水势 汹涌

  • Experimental study on the turbulent flow in a swirl combustion chamber by using particle image velocimetry ;

    应用该模型对 旋流燃烧室内的丙烷湍流燃烧进行了数值 模拟

  • Then the comparison of experimental and calculated results shows the simplified turbulent flow model method has relative good agreement .

    通过与实验值的对比,采用了符合较好的简化 湍流模型进行计算。

  • On the face of it this was not a turbulent life .

    平步青云 事业 旅程下,却是 戈德利 先生 暗潮 汹涌 苦难人生。

  • The seas grew turbulent tossing the small boat like a cork

    海浪变得 汹涌澎湃,把小船像漂浮的软木塞一样抛来甩去。

  • I had to have a boat that could handle turbulent seas .

    我必须有一艘能经得起 狂风骇浪的船。

  • Study on Applicability of Turbulent Combustion Model in the Numerical Calculation of Combustor


  • The measurement results are more satisfactory in turbulent flow than in laminar one .


  • In order to get the3D turbulent flow structures in vortex pump a test rig was set up .

    为获得旋流泵内部三维 流场的真实情况,设计制造了模型泵并构造了试验装置。

  • The turbulent characteristics in convective boundary layer topped temperature inversion were numerically investigated in terms of large eddy simulation .

    采用大涡模拟方法研究了存在逆温层的情况下大气对流边界层的 湍流特性。

  • RNG turbulent model combining with VOF method porosity method and wall function was used to simulate and research the flow around a spur-dike .

    基于RNG 紊流模型,采用VOF法、空度法和璧面函数法分别处理自由面、不规则边界和壁边界,对丁坝附近的水流进行了模拟和研究。

  • Then some people have turbulent life of swaying .

    于是,有些人就有了飘摇 动荡的生活。

  • Distribution of flow vector fluctuating velocity turbulent kinetic energy turbulent intensity and particle concentration were discussed .

    本文对流场、脉动速度、颗粒浓度、 动能、湍流强度等的分布做了讨论。

  • The two-dimensional turbulent channel flows are simulated through large-eddy simulation .

    模拟结果再现了二维 道流动拟序结构的发展演变过程。

  • The river was so turbulent that no one could get across .

    河里 水流 湍急,没有人能过得去。

  • Those were turbulent years .

    那是 多事的年头。

  • The system input in this case is turbulent air which produces random pitching motion of the vehicle .

    在此情况下,系统的输入是 紊流大气,它使飞行器产生随机俯仰运动。