


  • Turgor Pressure Maintenance and Osmotic Adjustment of Wheat Leaves under Soil Water Stress

    土壤水分胁迫下小麦叶片的渗透调节与 膨压维持

  • This indicate that the electrolytic leakage of cucumber seedlings ' cells decreased the celluar capacity to keep water increased which maintained the normal level of turgor and insured the physiologic and biochemical cellular process function normally .

    说明 适当 浓度 甲基 聚糖处理使黄瓜幼苗细胞的 渗透 降低,细胞保水力增强,维持了细胞的正常 膨压水平,保证了细胞的生理生化过程能够正常进行。

  • Increase of potassium level is associated with increase of lodging resistance through maintenance of high turgor pressure in cells of rice culm .

    提高钾水平来维持水稻禾茎细胞的高 膨压,与抗倒伏有关。

  • Influence of water stress on the abilities to maintain turgor and adjust osmosis in seedlings of hybrid clones of Populus tomentosa

    水分胁迫对毛白杨杂种无性系苗木维持 膨压和渗透调节能力的影响

  • Texture of fresh fruit and vegetables becomes soggy as the cell walls break down and the cells lose water . This is referred to as loss of turgor .

    新鲜果蔬变潮是细胞壁破裂和水分流失的结果,称之为 松弛 现象

  • The organization and activity of the cytoskeleton and the changes in turgor play important roles in pant cell morphogenesis .

    细胞骨架的组装和活性,以及 膨压的变化对于细胞的形态建成有着重要的作用。

  • P-V technique was used to test the mode of turgor maintenance of wheat leaf at seedling jointing and earing stages .

    用P-V技术研究了冬小麦苗期、拔节期和孕穗期 功能膨压维持方式。

  • The situation that water potential and turgor pressure in plant reduced to disturb or destroy its regular metabolize enginery and physiological function caused by water deficiency is called water deficit stress or drought stress .

    由水分不足(干旱或缺水)引起的植物水势和 膨压降低到 足以干扰甚至破坏其正常代谢机能和生理功能的情况,称水分亏缺胁迫或干旱胁迫。

  • Continuous Measurement for Relative Changes of Turgor - Pressure in Plant Leaves by Hang-Weight Method

    连续测定叶片 膨压相对变化的挂码法

  • The transpiration of trees was mainly cuticle transformation under initial loss turgor point .

    树木初始失 点是其 生命活动的主要临界点,膨压丧失将 导致树木 生命 活动 不能 正常进行, 直至死亡。

  • Growth is a function of turgor .

    生长是 膨胀的一个常数。

  • The more solutes accumulation in transgenic plant cells would be beneficial to retain water uptake to maintain cell turgor under osmotic stress .

    细胞中较多可溶性物质的积累有利于细胞吸水和维持 正常 膨压

  • Inter-surface tensions capillary forces in water transportation turgor pressure in parenchyma cells xylem osmotic pressure as well as reverse transpiration in sap flows ;

    不同界面层张力以及输水管道的毛细作用力、薄壁细胞 膨压和木质部渗透压、逆向蒸腾等在树木汁液上升中的贡献;

  • Studies on the Attachment of Stem to the Berries and Turgor Pressure of Berries in ' Thompson Seedless ' Grape

    无核白葡萄浆果 拉力压力的研究

  • Under conditions of water stress leaf turgor decreases and stomata close .

    在干旱的条件下,叶子的 膨压减少而气孔关闭。

  • The decrease in solute potential of plant cell would help absorb more water and to maintain cell turgor under osmotic stress .

    在渗透胁迫条件下,植物叶片 溶质势的降低有利于水分的吸收和保持。

  • The turgor of his shoulder was a result of working too hard .

    他肩膀的 浮肿是工作太过努力的结果。

  • The color of his skin was very pale because low blood pressure gave him abnormal turgor .

    他肤色非常苍白,因为低血压使他有不正常的 浮肿

  • The water parameters were calculated by using Pressure-Volume technique also the abilities of maintaining turgor and adjusting osmotic potential of the four species were comprehensively evaluated .

    应用压力室和PV技术测定四个树种 多项水分参数,并对四树种渗透调节和维持 膨压能力进行综合评定;

  • Under drought stress silicon could enhance the osmotic adjustment ability increase dry weight and water content slow down the drop of cell turgor pressure of rice seedlings .

    土壤干旱胁迫下,施硅能够提高水稻植株的渗透调节能力,增加 植株干物重和含水量, 改善水分 状况,减缓细胞 膨压的下降。

  • Pollen sterile blossoms lack normal turgor .

    花粉不育的花朵缺乏正常的 膨压 现象

  • Silicon application enhanced the osmotic adjustment ability maintained higher cell turgor pressure and improved the water status of rice .

    施硅提高了PEG胁迫下水稻植株的渗透调节能力,维持了较高的细胞 膨压,改善了组织的水分状况。

  • Potassium is a major nutrient in higher plants where it plays a role in turgor regulation charge balance leaf movement and protein synthesis .

    K+是高等植物所 必需的大量元素,它在植物的 膨压调节、电荷平衡、叶片运动和蛋白质合成中都具有重要的作用。

  • The development of pressure within a cell as result of the diffusion of water into it is called turgor .

    由于水扩散到细胞内,使一个细胞内压力上升,被称之为 膨压

  • Stomata open and close through turgor changes driven by massive ion fluxes which occur mainly through the guard cell plasma membrane and tonoplast . The guard cell has become a model system for the study of signal transduction .

    气孔的开和关主要是通过大量的离子流进出保卫细胞使其 膨压改变而 调节的,它已成为研究植物细胞信号转导的一种模式材料。

  • Study on the Leaf Cell Turgor Maintenance and its Influence on Leaf Photosynthesis and Growth of Apple Trees Under Drought Stress

    土壤干旱胁迫下苹果叶片 膨压维持对光合速率及生长的影响

  • The pressure of the normal group with colon mimic turgor was higher than that when fasting but the alteration of pressure of the patient group was not significant .

    正常组结肠模拟 充盈后其压力较空腹压力有明显提高,而 缓慢 运输 功能便秘患者该项变化不显著;

  • Study on the Relation Between Turgor Stress and Deformation of Fruit Cell

    水果细胞的 和应力与变形之间关系的研究

  • MRM can display turgor defect and tumor with precise location .

    MRM可展示 充盈缺损和肿块,定位明确。