


  • The sudden stiffening of parliamentary resolve after years of inaction is fantastic news even though it has come too late for Mr Trow who quit the pub trade years ago and now runs a mobile catering outlet .

    在多年毫无动作后,议会突然坚定了决心,这是一个极好的消息,尽管对 特罗 来说来得太晚。几年前他就已经放弃了酒吧生意,现在经营着一家流动餐饮店。

  • In this article based on the popular theory of Professor Trow the peculiarities of popularity theory and the realization peculiarity of higher education popularity had analyzed in our country .

    本文首先从 马丁·特罗教授 大众 理论 入手,对大众化理论的特点以及我国高等教育大众化的实现特征进行了深入剖析。

  • Doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him ? I trow not .

    仆人照所吩咐的 去作,主人还谢谢他吗。

  • Punch was both renting the pub to Mr Trow and selling him all his beer at above-market rates .

    Punch一方面将酒吧租给 特罗,另一方面以高于市价的价格向其独家供应啤酒。

  • A number of top investors have been buying shares recently including Wellington management and t. Rowe price ( Trow ) .

    很多顶级投资者近来都买入了该股,包括 WellingtonManagement和T.RowePrice。

  • Yellow girls trow p & y at White guys .

    黄种女孩 面对白人 不是 投怀 送抱的吗。

  • Under new field of vision higher education research : level analysis of status & Martin Trow 's thoughts of higher education and revelation

    高等教育研究的新视野:地位层次分析& 马丁特罗的高等教育思想及启示

  • But there has been some misunderstanding on Trow 's theory during its spreading thus causing several problems when guiding the popularization of higher education in China .

    但是 特罗的高等教育大众化理论在中国传播的过程中存在着理解上的 偏差,在指导中国高等教育大众化的实践中存在一些问题。

  • Our country has realized the popularization of higher education in2003 when The gross entrance rate is17 % according to Martin Trow 's ideological theory of higher education massification .

    2003年我国高等教育的毛入学率为17%,根据 马丁·特罗的高等教育阶段发展理论,我国高等教育进入大众化阶段。

  • A Review of the Functions of Higher Education in light of Social and Economic Development & Criticism on the Three phase Development Theory in Higher Education of Martin Trow

    在社会经济发展背景下对高等教育功能的 认识& 马丁·特罗高等教育发展阶段论批判

  • The paper is an introduction and review of the Model Theory of massification of higher education by Martin Trow .

    论文主要是关于 马丁·特罗 教授的高等教育大众化发展“模式论 的述评。

  • The theory of Mass Higher Education brought forward by professor Martin Trow an United States sociologist has popularized all over the world from 1970 's.

    20世纪70年代,美国著名的教育社会学家 马丁·特罗(Martin Trow1926-)教授提出了高等教育大众 理论。

  • T. Rowe price ( Trow ) holds around 86 million shares of Dell ( DELL ) stock or around 5 % of all outstanding shares .

    普信基金公司持有约800万股戴尔股份,占 戴尔流通股的5%左右。