turn to the left

[tɚn tu ði lɛft][tə:n tu: ðə left]


  • You just go one more block and turn to the left then you will find the hotel .

    你走过一条街 向左 便可以发现旅馆。

  • This small shift enables them to fall to the left and then turn the handlebars to the left to make the turn .

    这个小小的移动没有使他们转到自行车的左边,而然后 自行车车把 转到 左边来完成这个转向。

  • Turn it to the left . It went off .


  • The creek hooks past the barn . Well turn to the left at the first corner after the crossroads .

    小溪拐了个弯绕过谷仓。噢,过十字路口后在第一个拐角 向左

  • If you turn to the left you will find the path leading to the park .

    如果 转向 左边,你将找到通向公园的小道。

  • After I run farther he will turn to the left .


  • It 'll be better that way . you 'll find a one-way traffic sign . that 's where you have to turn to the left .

    那样比较好,你会发现一个单行道交通标志,那是你应该 左转的地方。

  • I 've got neuralgia and con 't turn my neck to the left .

    危我患有神经痛,脖子不能 左转

  • Carefully turn the tool to the left and right .

    小心 该工具 左右 转动

  • Traffic warden : Take the first turn to the left .

    协管员:拐过第一个 左转

  • When they would turn to the left to Asia He stayed them .

    这次保罗和西拉想 向左,到亚西亚一行,圣灵禁止他们。

  • Well turn to the left at the first corner after the crossroads .

    噢,过十字路口后在第一个拐角 向左

  • Go downstairs and turn to the left .

    下楼后 左转

  • I am telling you to turn to the left !

    我告诉你 左转

  • B : Go straight on this street turn to the left at the second corner and you 'll find it .

    顺这条街直走,在第二个街口 左转,你就可以看到了。

  • Ought he to turn to the left or to the right ?


  • Walk to the barber 's and turn to the left .

    走到理发馆 便 往左拐

  • Walk down the street and turn to the left at the first .

    顺这条街,在第一个十字路口 向左拐。

  • For example if you ask someone how they turn their bicycle to the left they 'll tell you they simply turn the handlebars to the left and the bike turns .

    例如,如果您问别人他们怎样 转到自行车 左边 ,他们会告诉您仅仅将车把转到左边自行车就自然而然地转到左边了。

  • Comparison of Steering Performance between two wheels and four wheel Turn to the left and go two blocks .

    两轮转向与四轮 转向的转向性能分析比较 左转,过两个街区。

  • Turn to the left and you will find the post .


  • The car had a sharp turn to the left .


  • Keep your head in a neutral position or turn it to the left eyes gazing softly at the left thumb .

    头保持在中间位置或 转向 、视线柔和的看向左手拇指。

  • Turn to the left and just can see the park .

    向左 ,就会看见公园。

  • Gather it with your left arm then make another quarter turn to the left .

    用左胳膊拖起它来,再 左边 四分之一

  • Turn to the left there you are .

    在那边 向左 ,你就会 找到 的。

  • Jane : Well turn to the left at that corner then you will see it .

    简:行,在拐角处 ,然后你就可以看见了。

  • He can not remember to turn to the left or turns to the right . Yes and turn right when you get off the elevator .

    他没能记住 向左 还是向右拐。可以, 了三楼后向右拐。

  • If you turn to the left you will find our Institute at a distance . a.

    如果你 向左 转弯,你就可以远远看到我们学校。