turn of capital

[tɚn ʌv ˈkæpɪtl][tə:n ɔv ˈkæpitl]


  • There are few strong markets in the world for UK businesses to turn to : meanwhile a shortage of working capital is leading to sharp production cuts across a range of sectors .

    世界上没有几个坚挺的市场可供英国企业 求助,与此同时运营 资金的短缺将导致多个行业大幅削减产出。

  • Lower interest rates could encourage households to take on more debt which would in turn lead to a further build-up of risks in the financial sector Capital Economics said in a note to clients .

    凯投宏观( CapitalEconomics)在一份写给客户的指南中表示:较低的利率可能会鼓励居民背上更多债务,从而 反过来导致金融业风险进一步积累。

  • The answer is to turn desired ratios into levels of capital that banks have to meet .

    解决办法是: 希望达到的资本比率,转化为银行必须满足 资本水平。

  • The slump across global commercial property markets has accelerated since the turn of the year with the emerging markets in particular struggling under the combination of capital value and rental falls .

    今年以来,全球商业地产市场的 衰退开始加速,在到 资本价值和租金双双下跌的影响下,新兴市场的处境尤为艰难。

  • In2000 driven by the favorable turn of the domestic economy the amount of foreign capital absorbed by China revived the original level and began to pick up reaching u $ $ 40.772 billion .

    进入2000年,在国内经济 出现重大 转机的带动下,利用 外资金额迅速恢复并上升,当年外商对华实际 投资达到407.72亿美元。

  • We in turn look to our utilities'regulators ( acting on behalf of our customers ) to allow us an appropriate return on the huge amounts of capital we must deploy to meet future needs .

    如果我们希望这些公司的管理者以客户 利益为重,为客户赚取更多的 回报,我们就必须为未来的需求铺路。

  • This in turn is forcing other - more mainstream - asset managers and banks to re-examine their own investment strategies or definitions of capital markets instruments .

    反过来,这正在迫使其它更为主流的资产管理机构和银行重新审视自己的投资策略,或 资本市场工具的定义。

  • Production factors turn into the capital of key element the value and appreciation of various kinds of capital of key element form the financial value of the enterprise through the marketing process .

    生产要素经过市场交易过程被企业 购入 之后为要素资本 各种要素 资本的价值及其增值形成企业的财务价值。

  • In turn this article analyses the cause of small contribution rate and put forward the proposal to reestablish the accumulating circle mechanism of the human capital forming in countryside .

    文章最后对我国农村人力 资本低贡献率的原因进行了解析,并对重构农村 人力 资本形成的循环累积机制提出了政策建议。

  • High-tech of the traditional industry can turn this situation but the high-tech needs a great deal of capital devotion so we need to study the capital management mode of high-tech of the traditional industry and lowering the risk carrying out good benefit .

    发达国家的实践告诉我们,传统产业高科技化能 改变这种局面,但高科技需要大量投入 资本,故而需要研究传统产业高科技化资本运营的模式,从而降低高风险,实现高效益。

  • When the project was first envisioned six years ago China was desperate for iron ore to turn into steel the innards of everything from cars to capital equipment from residential towers to railway tracks .

    6年前,当该项目首次被提出时,中国急需铁矿石,用以 炼成钢铁, 钢铁是众多商品的重要原材料,从汽车到 资本设备,从住宅楼到铁轨。

  • Departments and units have to turn in capital over budget of financial special account to capital over budget special account which is set by financial departments in the bank by the financial department stated time without being delayed remained and using collected cash for payment .

    部门和单位 上缴财政专户的预算外资金,必须按财政部门规定的时间及时缴入财政部门在银行开设的预算外 资金专户,不得拖欠、截留和坐收坐支。

  • Upgrading of human capital plays an important role on the regional industrial structure in turn the regional industrial development can not do without the support of human capital .

    人力资本对区域产业结构升级具有重要的作用, 反过来,区域产业结构发展又离不开人力 资本的支持。

  • Since the turn of the last century the free capital flow has been picking up its pace along with the economic globalization therefore merger and acquisition have been considered by each country as one major means for foreign direct investment .

    上世纪 以来,经济全球化加快了 资本的自由流动,由此,外资并购成为世界各国对外直接投资的重要手段。

  • As a generator for the operations of knowledge capital city is gradually turning to the knowledge city by the driving of the knowledge capital . And the construction of the knowledge city in turn pushes the operation and accumulation of the knowledge capital .

    作为知识资本运营的发生器一一城市,在知识资本的推动下 知识城市的 方向发展,知识城市的构建 反过来推动城市知识资本的运营和积累,城市知识 资本与知识城市相互促进,共同发展。

  • We must turn relationship resources into its development of the capital . Secondly this thesis researched on the formation mechanism of the social network capital in Village Banks .

    其次,本文研究了 村镇银行社会网络 资本的形成机制。

  • At the turn of 19c and 20c imperialism exported capital to China on the form of building railway mainly .

    19 世纪末20世纪初,修筑铁路是帝国主义对华 资本输出的主要形式。

  • The new banking Union plans may thus turn out to be another large step towards the transfer of distressed private debt on to public balance sheets something which pleases the capital markets and may help to explain their new confidence .

    而建立银行业联盟的计划或许 更进一步 让不良私人债务向公共资产负债表转移,这是 资本市场乐意看到的,或许也解释了他们恢复信心的原因。

  • In turn structure of distribution affects capital structure which determines corporate governance structure and management mechanisms and so on .

    反过来,分配结构影响 企业 资本结构, 资本结构决定公司治理结构和治理机制等等。

  • The access to high-level players relies on a well-developed human capital circulation markets . The sound development of the human capital circulation markets in turn requires a clarification of human capital relation .

    俱乐部获得高水平的球员依靠于一个发达的人力资本流动市场,人力资本流动市场的健康发展, 必须理清人力 资本

  • The traditional scope of bank business is shrinking the profit level is reducing further . The business bank adjusts its beginning developing goal and strategies turn to the goal improving the earning ratio of the capital as center .

    传统的银行存贷业务范围收缩,利差和盈利水平缩小,商业银行必须调整原有的扩大资产规模的发展目标和战略, 转向以提高 资产 资本收益率为中心的 经营目标,注重内涵式发展的战略。

  • The development of regional economy causes the increasing of business costs which in turn reduces the profit margin and makes the transfer of capital to the district where has the lower business costs . All of this brings the more serious competition of attracting investment .

    区域经济的发展带动了商务成本的增加,而 商务成本的增加降低了投资的利润率,使部分 资本转移到商务成本相对低廉的区域,这也进一步加剧了区域间的引资竞争。