


  • In open furnace front to check whether the trachea pipe a crack damage or jams push institution are in good condition and reliable should check appliances have trouble-free .

    在开启炉前,要检查水管、气管是否有裂损或堵塞,推料机构是否完好可靠,应检查电器是否有 故障

  • Integration and the design of multiple anti-vibration structure to ensure that its high frequency multi-frequency vibration and long-term trouble-free work environment .

    一体化和多重防震结构设计,确保其在高频、多频振动环境中长期 故障工作。

  • To obtain the best performance and ensure years of trouble-free use please read this instruction manual carefully .

    请仔细阅读说明书,以便使本 发挥其最佳性能,经久耐用, 故障

  • LEY2010 hasn 't used frequency limit even if frequent make and break it also has long-term trouble-free movement .

    LEY2010没有使用频度的限制,即使频繁开闭,也可长期 故障运行。

  • In practice you might find that the conversions are seldom trouble-free but it 's a good solution if you collect documents from authors who are not familiar with XML .

    实际上,您会发现转换工作很少 没有 麻烦,但是如果您从不熟悉XML的作者那里收集文档,那么它是一个较佳的解决方案。

  • How trouble-free do you think this Thunderbird will be ?

    你认为这个雷鸟怎么 没有 故障呢?

  • You can have trouble-free call-forwarding anywhere in the world .

    你可以在世界任何地方 毫不费力地发送呼叫信息。

  • Being aware of and resolving the issues of developing and managing SaaS including potential security problems can make your team 's experiences trouble-free .

    认识并解决开发和管理SaaS的问题,包括潜在的安全性问题,能够让您的团队 免受 麻烦 干扰

  • Oscillating displacement pump which may achieve a considerably longer trouble-free operation than a conventional diaphragm piston pump .

    往复式容积泵,有比传统隔膜活塞泵长的多的 故障运行时间。

  • The have a good reputation for building reliable trouble-free cars .

    他们在制造可靠的 故障汽车方面有良好的声誉。

  • Until now the trip had been relatively trouble-free .

    到目前为止,旅途还算 一帆风顺

  • The carnival got off to a virtually trouble-free start with the police reporting only one arrest .

    狂欢节开幕进行得几乎是 一帆风顺,警方只报告了一例拘捕。

  • It has long service life trouble-free operation in50000 hours .

    整机使用寿命长, 故障运行时间可在50000小时以上。

  • The opening of the airport in July was not trouble-free .

    新机场在七月启用时,的确 出现一些 困难

  • NASA reported a trouble-free launch .

    (美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局报导了一次 故障的发射。

  • GUSHER pump design process and use material provide the product for optimum performance and lasting trouble-free operation .

    GUSHER泵的设计,工艺以及使用材料,为产品提供了最优化的性能以及持久的 故障的运行。

  • During the year ORP operations were by and large smooth and trouble-free .

    年内,有秩序遣返的过程大致顺利, 没有 特别 问题

  • Because network performance is critical not only to developers but also to testers system administrators and potential users being aware of and resolving potential performance and environmental monitoring issues can make your development team 's and users ' experiences trouble-free .

    由于网络性能不仅对于开发人员十分关键,对于测试人员、系统管理员和潜在客户也很重要,因此意识到并解决潜在性能和环境监视问题能让开发团队和用户体验 畅通无阻

  • But privacy has become trouble-free after death gold medal has become an excuse to achieve the evidence from tracing the reasons for irregularities in fact become a fashion tacit everyone !

    但现在隐私成了 出事之后免死“金牌”证据成了借口从而达到免于追查的理由实际上违规成了一种时尚大家都心照不宣!

  • Although our flight was trouble-free during the holidays air travel becomes more hectic .

    尽管我们的飞行没有 发生 故障,但是在节假日飞行旅行变得更加忙碌。

  • Being aware of and resolving the issues of using Ajax libraries and potential project risks can make your workspace teams'experiences trouble-free .

    意识到并解决围绕使用Ajax库以及潜在的项目风险的问题可以让您的工作空间团队不再遇到任何 麻烦

  • The lapping amount of bead is critical not only for the trouble-free operation of three-dimensional welding but also for the forming accuracy .

    焊道搭接量对保证三维堆焊成形过程的 顺利进行以及成形件的精度都有较为重要的影响。

  • This kind of washing machine can assure you of years of trouBle-free service .

    这种洗衣机,保证您多年使用, 故障

  • In today 's world peace stability and development are the shared aspiration of people of all countries . However the world is not trouble-free .

    当今世界,求和平、 稳定、 发展是各国人民的共同 心愿

  • Chinese and Mongolian Country cooperation development opencut coal mine trouble-free service management practice

    中蒙合作开发露天煤矿 安全 工作的管理实践

  • Dry-type transformers require minimum maintenance and provide long years of trouble-free service .

    干式变压器的最低要求,并提供 免费维修服务多年的 麻烦

  • Energy-saving lamps which assure years of trouBle-free service are the honoraBle products of our factory .

    多年使用, 故障的节能灯,是本厂的荣誉产品。

  • I hope you 're able to adopt some of these techniques to develop trouble-free code .

    我希望您能采用这些技巧中的一些来开发 代码。

  • It is held in the paper that to perfect auxiliary marshal system in China will help resolve the difficulty in civil judgment enforcement ensuring trouble-free execution .

    完善协助执行人制度对于缓解“执行难”、保障民事执行 工作 顺利进行和 弥补司法之 不足有着 重要的意义。