


  • Unable to print your hardware settings . Use the Print Troubleshooter in Help to try resolving the problem .

    无法打印硬件的设置。请用帮助中的打印 故障 诊断来解决此问题。

  • While not in the purview of the Troubleshooter the data from application monitoring tools can also be used for capacity planning .

    使用应用程序监视工具提供的数据还可以进行容量规划,但这不是 故障 诊断 的职责范围。

  • He went wandering as an international banker and economic troubleshooter .

    他作为一名国际银行家和经济 调停人各地 周游

  • Click Finish to start a troubleshooter that can help you resolve the problem .

    单击完成开始一个可以帮助您解决问题的 故障 排除

  • M usually a great troubleshooter for PC problems in my office and I ? m often going to ask for help proofreading important memos .

    我作为我们办公室的电脑检修 ,在 复核重要备忘录时,我常请求他人的帮助。

  • To start a troubleshooter that can help you resolve any problems you might be having click finish .

    要启用可以帮助您解决问题的 疑难 解答,请单击“完成”。

  • To start the networking troubleshooter click Start Troubleshooter .

    要启动网络 疑难 解答,请单击启动疑难解答。

  • Click Finish to start the networking troubleshooter .

    单击完成以启动网络 疑难 解答

  • He understands the way markets work and he is a troubleshooter and problem-solver in the Chinese system .

    他理解市场运作的方式,在中国的体制内是一 攻关者和问题解决者。

  • Users familiar with IBM Support Assistant V3.0 will appreciate the improved GUI experience access to product news feeds case management features and built-in guided troubleshooter .

    熟悉IBMSupportAssistantV3.0的用户将会对改进的GUI体验、产品新闻源访问、案例管理功能和内置向导式 故障 排除 程序 大加赞赏。

  • Open the Print Troubleshooter which helps you diagnose and solve printer problems .

    打开打印 疑难 解答,它可以帮助您诊断并解决打印机问题。

  • Note that you can click back at any time to repeat the last step or click start over to start the printing troubleshooter again .

    请注意,可以随时单击“上一步”重复上一个步骤,也可以单击“返回 首页”再次启动打印 疑难 解答

  • Therefore a good troubleshooter should never forget to keep an eye on the big picture when attempting to puzzle-out the cause of a problem and to understand the behavior of the system .

    因此,优秀的 故障 诊断人员在尝试寻找问题的原因以及了解系统行为的同时始终会兼顾全局情况。

  • Each flow in the Guided Troubleshooter is recorded in the Case Manager enabling you to put all diagnostic information in one place .

    Guided Troubleshooter中的每个“流”都记录在案例管理器中,从而可以将所有诊断信息放入一个位置。

  • It worked ! I want to close the troubleshooter .

    它工作了!我想关闭“ 故障 发现

  • As well as running a busy legal practice he also has a reputation as a corporate troubleshooter and all-round Mr Fix-It and is often called upon to clean up organisations in crisis .

    除了忙于法律业务外,他还是赫赫有名的 排解公司纠纷高手,人称全能的 处理先生”,经常有危机缠身的公司 帮助排忧解难。

  • Opens help on communications troubleshooter .

    打开通讯 疑难 解答帮助。

  • The troubleshooter starts when you close this wizard .

    故障 诊断 程序会在关闭此向导时启动。

  • The Guided Troubleshooter based on the IBM Guided Activity Assistant technology continues to be an integral part of the complete problem analysis experience .

    Guided Troubleshooter基于IBMGuidedActivityAssistant技术,仍然是完整的问题分析体验中不可或缺的一部分。

  • A troubleshooter help topic is available online regarding this issue .

    可联机 查找与此问题相关的 疑难 解答帮助主题。

  • The troubleshooter is unable to determine which device is preventing your machine from resuming .

    故障 诊断 程序无法决定哪个设备导致您的计算机无法继续执行。

  • Click troubleshooter to start the troubleshooter for this device .

    单击“ 疑难 解答 启动这个设备的疑难解答。

  • The Design and Application of Troubleshooter for PC / XT and Its Compatible Computers

    PC/XT及其兼容机 故障 诊断 的设计思想与使用方法

  • Unfortunately the error messages can be very ugly for users and may not even provide many clues for the troubleshooter .

    不幸的是,错误信息会让用户感到窘迫,而且不会为 故障 检修 提供很多线索。

  • The Guided Troubleshooter can also help in determining if you should download specific tools that might help in problem determination and will even provide guidance in the usage of these tools .

    Guided Troubleshooter还可以帮助确定是否应该下载可以帮助进行问题确定的特定工具,甚至将提供关于这些工具使用的指导。

  • Click the Troubleshooter button if the wheel does not work as expected .

    如果滑轮没有象预期的那样工作,请单击 疑难 解答按钮。