turn the other way

[tɚn ði ˈʌðər we][tə:n ðə ˈʌðə(r wei]


  • Or turn the entire thing the other way around .

    或者 整个事情 反过来

  • Massive corruption at the local level causes officials to turn the other way .

    地方上大量的腐败行为导致官员们对此 置之不理

  • The last thing we 'd expect a lighthouse to do is to turn off its light close its doors and run the other way because the storm is coming .

    最后我们期待一个灯塔去做的事是 关掉它的光,关上它的门,而运行 不同 道路上&因为暴风雨正在来临。

  • Turn abruptly and face the other way .

    突然 转动面向

  • There will be a lot of violence to intimidate the people to turn the voters back because there 's no other way out for them .

    将会有大量威胁选民、 选民回家的暴力事件发生,因为他们已经到了 穷途末路的地步。

  • Of course being Kobe Bryant meant he could also go back and turn that corner heading the other way .

    当然,作为科比意味着他还可以选择继续 转变 以前的角色带领 球队 前进

  • Payee is OK cash means is gotten deserved money also can turn through the bank the other way that Zhang or company allow is gotten deserved money .

    领款人可以现金方式领取应得款项,也 可以通过银行转账或公司答应的 其他 方式领取应得款项。