turbulent flow burner

[ˈtɚbjələnt flo ˈbə:nɚ][ˈtə:bjulənt fləu ˈbɜ:nə]


  • The Defection of Turbulent flow Pattern of Three Channel Pulverized Coal Burner

    三通道煤粉 燃烧器 湍流 热线测试研究

  • The method used the turbulent model with κ - ε equations based on the renormalization group theory to simulate cold flow field of burner outlet .

    该方法采用重整化群RNGκ-ε双方程 湍流模型,针对 燃烧器 出口 区域冷态 流场进行数值模拟,通过比较 旋流 燃烧器不同一次风扩口角度情况下, 回流 尺寸的 变化 流场分布规律。

  • Feature Comparison Between Turbulent Burner and Direct flow Burner and Their Developmental Prospects

    旋流燃烧器与直流 燃烧器的特点比较及发展前景

  • Three-dimensional turbulent flow and combustion in a waste gas burner was numerically simulated using the Realizable k - ε model to improve the combustor nozzle service life and reduce the exhaust NO_x concentration .

    为了提高废气处理燃烧器喷嘴的使用寿命、降低排放物中NOx的浓度,采用Realizablek-ε模型对废气处理 燃烧器 三维 流动和燃烧进行了数值模拟。

  • Numerical Modelling of the Separated Turbulent Flow Field Created by a Bluff-Body Burner

    钝体 燃烧器 湍流分离 流场的数值模拟

  • D N S equations with k ε equations in the cylindrical coordinate system and SIMPLE method were employed to describe and solve the turbulent flow of the pre burner . The source terms were treated by linearization for more quickly converging .

    流动采用圆柱坐标系中的三维NS方程组,并用kε双方程 湍流模型闭合,用 同位网格和SIMPLE算法求解,源项进行线性化处理以便于收敛;

  • A mathematical model for swirling turbulent flow in the axisymmetric burner

    燃烧器内轴对称涡旋 湍流 流动的数学模拟