


  • The intestinal construction of the turbot was damaged by excessive feed yeast .

    过量的饲料酵母会破坏 菱鲆的肠道结构。

  • Study on Attractant Activity of Amino Acid-Strengthened Bait to Turbot

    氨基酸强化饵料对 诱食活性的研究

  • Effect of nano-metre pure oxygen in turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus ) farming was determined in this study .

    试验旨在分析新型微米纯氧气泡增氧 养殖 菱鲆的效果。

  • FLATFISH : Low sales for turbot during the past months have led to a price drop .

    鲽鱼 前几个月交易 偏低,导致价格下降。

  • The hybridization result of two farmed stocks of turbot was analyzed .

    主要结果 如下1、对两个 菱鲆 养殖 群体的杂交 效果进行了分析。

  • Expression of major capsid protein gene of turbot reddish body iridovirus in Pichia pastoris


  • The results show that the content of nutrition have distinct effect on feed coefficient rate and growth rate of turbot .

    试验表明不同营养配比的 饲料,其饲料 转换率有着较大的差异, 导致 生长的显著差异。

  • After the restructuring of the corporate equity to today 's four turbot and a mature base adding more young vitality .

    改制后的股分企业给今天的四 又一个成熟的基础,更增添了年轻的活力。

  • The cod ( fish ) can be replaced with trout or turbot .

    鳕鱼可以用鳟鱼或者 菱鲆代替。

  • Flatfish : low sales for turbot during the past months have led to a price drop . moreover substitute products are still showing lower prices when compared with turbot .

    鲽鱼菱前几个月交易 偏低,导致价格下降。而且,一些可替代产品在与大菱的竞争中又降低了价格。

  • The species of positive samples were perch tilapia turbot shrimp and turtle .

    阳性样品品种包括鲈鱼、罗非鱼、 菱鲆、对虾、甲鱼等。

  • Hong Kong blocked imports of turbot last year after inspectors found traces of malachite green a possibly cancer-causing chemical used to treat fungal infections in some fish .

    去年在一些鱼中发现可致癌的孔雀石绿(用于某些鱼类的真菌感染治疗)以后,香港开始禁止进口 多宝

  • The paper reported the experiments on south domestication and mariculture of turbot in the net cages and the future of mariculture of turbot in the net cages was evaluated .

    本文报道了大 鲆鱼种南移网箱养殖试验结果,并探讨了其网箱养殖前景。

  • Moreover substitute products are still showing lower prices when compared with turbot .

    而且,一些可替代产品在与 竞争中又降低了价格。

  • In turbot 24 types of skeletal abnormalities were observed .


  • These results will provide scientific base for the turbot culture in factories and net cages .

    这些结果可为 菱鲆 工厂 养殖 海水网箱养殖提供科学依据。

  • A serial of images of centrosomes spindle and nuclear in olive flounder and turbot fertilized eggs from blastodisc formation to 4-cell stage were observed .

    同时获得了牙鲆和 菱鲆受精卵从胚盘形成到4-细胞期的一系列中心体、纺锤体及核的变化图象。

  • However a over certain ration of feed yeast addition will significantly reduce the growth of turbot .

    但饲料酵母超过一定量时,会显著降低 菱鲆的生长。

  • Hemorrhagic disease of turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus ) is a new disease in China .

    出血性疾病是 透析患者常见的严重并发症之一。

  • This is very bad for treatment of turbot virus disease .

    目前这种情况对 亟需解决的 菱鲆病毒病研究非常不利。

  • And some turbot that wasn 't too fishy .

    还有不太腥的 比目鱼

  • Correlation between bacteria in feed pellets and diseases of cultured turbot Scophthalmus maximus

    颗粒饲料携带细菌与 菱鲆疾病发生的相关性

  • We can get the most wonderful red clams eels and frogs'legs kingfish turbot and live hamachi ( yellowtail tuna ) .

    我们可以得到最上乘的蛤蜊、鳝鱼、田鸡腿、无鳔石首鱼、 比目鱼和活油甘鱼(黄色尾巴的金枪鱼)。

  • Unlike eggs of flounder there are cortical alveoli in the cortex of eggs of turbot .

    与牙鲆卵不同的是, 菱鲆卵在 胚盘皮层区有皮层小泡;

  • Turbot is one of the main aquaculture species of flatfish in China but its stagnant market is one of the bottleneck problems in aquaculture industry .


  • As an valuable aquaculture species turbot farming area are expanded continuously .


  • FLATFISH : Sales of farmed turbot over Christmas were described as satisfactory .

    鲆鲽鱼:在耶诞节期间,养殖 菱鲆的销售是令满意的。

  • The development of digestive system had four stages in turbot .


  • FLATFISH : Farmed turbot demand is expected to be low during the whole month of January and after last month 's drop prices are expected to remain stable .

    鲽鱼:养殖 的需求量在上个月开始下降后,这个月的需求量还是偏低,但价格有望保持稳定。

  • The effects of growth factors and hormones on growth of the cultured cells in turbot Scophthalmus maximus in vitro

    生长因子和激素对 菱鲆细胞生长的影响