


  • In this paper the fault status induced by rubbing between rotor and stator of liquid rocket engine turbopump system is analyzed .

    研究了液体火箭发动机 涡轮 转子系统发生 摩擦时的故障状态。

  • This paper mainly discusses available structures of the liquid hybrid bearings and the key technologies that need to be solved for the liquid rocket engine turbopump .

    针对液体火箭发动机 涡轮 特殊工作 环境,讨论了流体动静压轴承可采用的结构形式和需要解决的关键技术。

  • Coupled Analysis of Turbopump of Liquid Rocket Engine

    液体火箭发动机 涡轮 耦合分析

  • To drive the turbopump unit gas pressure was derived from a generator that used the main propellant components .

    驱动 涡轮 系统的气压来自使用主推进剂的燃气发生器。

  • Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosing System of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Turbopump

    液体火箭发动机 涡轮 状态监测与故障诊断系统研究

  • Computer aided turbopump reliability analysis and evaluation system

    计算机辅助 涡轮 可靠性分析与评估系统

  • The turbopump which is the only high-speed component in engine requires higher assembly quality .

    涡轮 航天 火箭 系列发动机系统中唯一高速 运转的部组件,对其的装配质量 可靠性要求较高。

  • Rotor dynamic is one of the most complicated problems in development of LOX turbopump of liquid rocket engine .

    转子动力学问题是液体 火箭发动机研制中最复杂的问题之一。

  • Nonlinear Dynamic Stability of Liquid Hydrogen Turbopump Rotor-S eal System in Rocket Engine

    火箭发动机液氢 涡轮 转子-密封系统的非线性动力稳定性

  • The development of turbopump technology for liquid rocket engines

    液体火箭发动机 涡轮 技术的发展

  • Finally the turbopump fault detection approach was validated by LRE historical test data .

    在此基础上,提出并验证了基于 转子 固有 频率 涡轮 故障检测方法。

  • The engine-feed system interface is at the turbopump inlet flanges .

    发动机与供应系统的交界是在 涡轮 的进口法兰盘处。

  • More than 20 dynamic characteristic experiments of rocket engine oxygen turbopump rotor with different combination of elastic support and metal-rubber damper ( combined bearing ) were conducted . High speed dynamic balance and repeatability check experiments of the rotor were also conducted with an optimum combined bearing .

    试验研究了装不同弹性支承和金属橡胶阻尼器(组合支承)的火箭发动机氧 涡轮 转子的动力特性,并对装优选出的组合支承的转子进行了高速动平衡及重复性考核试验。

  • Motion differential equation is established and solved with the four rank changing step length Runge Kutta method . The vibration characteristics at the fault status are analyzed and the theoretical basis is provided for health monitoring and fault diagnoses of turbopump .

    建立了该状态下的运动微分方程,并运用四阶变步长Runge-Kutta法对其求解,分析了该故障状态下的振动特征,为 涡轮 的监控和 事后故障诊断提供了理论依据。

  • Application Analysis of Liquid Hybrid Bearing for Engine Turbopump

    发动机 涡轮 流体动静压轴承应用分析

  • The results show that the turbopump faults can be detected effectively by using the amplitudes of rotor first second and third order critical frequency as well as axial intrinsic frequency .

    结果表明,基于转子的一阶、二阶和三阶临界转速以及轴向固有频率幅值能有效地检测 涡轮 的故障。

  • Turbopump is an important part in liquid rocket engine .

    涡轮 是液体火箭发动机的重要组成部份。

  • Experimental Research of the Turbopump System Starts for Liquid Rocket Engine

    液体火箭发动机 涡轮 系统 多次启动的试验研究

  • This has brought a lot of difficulties for the design of the turbopump .

    这给 涡轮 的设计带来了很大的困难。

  • Vacuum vessel seal structure used in the leak test of a liquid rocket engine turbopump is discussed .

    论述了某 型号液体火箭发动机 涡轮 高压 低温 密封检漏试验用真空室密封结构的设计问题。

  • The effect of the pulsation and stability of a running turbopump shafting on system reliability is investigated .

    涡轮 轴系运转时的跳动量及稳定性对产品可靠性的影响进行了研究。

  • Turbopump fault detection system

    涡轮 故障检测系统

  • The framework and approaches of turbopump post test data analysis were presented . Using the traditional time domain features of vibration signals the turbopump history test data were analyzed and based on the results some conclusions were drawn .

    提出了 涡轮 事后数据分析的步骤和 软件 总体框架,利用振动分析中常用的时域统计特征参量,对涡轮泵历史试车数据进行了统计分析,并对分析结果进行了讨论。

  • Effects of seal and internal damping on dynamic stability of liquid hydrogen turbopump rotor system in rocket engine

    密封和内阻尼对火箭发动机液氢 涡轮 转子系统动力稳定性的影响

  • The pivotal technology of real-time fault detection and high speed data acquisition logger were studied . And the method of using MRLA MATA and IACA to synthetically decide turbopump state was put forth . Then multiple time domain and frequency domain signal processing methods were studied .

    研究了实时故障检测和高速数据记录的软硬件关键技术,提出了基于上述改进后的三种实时故障检测算法在线综合决策 涡轮 状态的方法,同时研究了多种时域和频域信号处理方法。

  • Diagnosis method for turbopump typical fault under conditions of speed fluctuation

    转速波动状态下 涡轮 典型故障诊断方法

  • Finally the natural frequency of turbopump shafting got from the spectrum analyzer has been compared with the result of finite element analysis .

    最后采用频谱分析仪对 涡轮 轴系进行固有频率的测试实验,并与仿真分析结果进行了比较分析。

  • Their validity is verified with the classification of simulation data and the classification of turbopump historical test data .

    仿真数据及 涡轮 试车数据的分析结果表明了该方法的有效性。

  • Techniques of kerosene booster turbopump for LOX / kerosene staged combustion cycle engine

    液氧/煤油发动机煤油预压 涡轮 技术

  • The drive for the turbopump units was actuated using hydrogen peroxide .

    涡轮 由过氧化氢分解产生的气体驱动。