


  • Objective : Through orthogonal test of turtleback optimizing its abstraction conditions in single decoction .

    目的:通过 龟甲 的正交试验,优选其单煎的提取条件。

  • Make carbon to a turtleback excuse me 14 determine how many fee to need ? How to apply for what is there relevant formalities ?

    请问对一个 龟甲做碳十四测定需要多少费用?如何申请,有什么相关手续?

  • Toxicological Safety Evaluation of the Oral Liquid Consisted of Panax Hartshorn Turtleback and Tragacanth


  • Method : To adopt the orthogonal test using the nitrogen content as the investigative target optimizing the comminuted degree of turtleback power the frequency and time of extract the quantity of adding water .

    方法:采用正交试验法,以含氮量为考察指标, 龟甲粉碎度、提取次数、提取时间及加水量进行优选。