


  • Don 't let one little mistake come be tween us ! he begged .

    不要让一点小误会 影响我们的关系!他请求道。

  • The study conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health ( NIMH ) and Georgia State University begins with a premise that every parent of a tween knows : as kids emerge into puberty their focus changes dramatically .

    该研究由美国国家心理健康研究所与佐治亚州立大学共同主导,基于一项常识性前提下&每位家有儿女初 长成的父母都知道:当孩子进入青春期后,他们的注意力会发生巨大变化。

  • Mixing offices and flats also has the potential to create tension be ­ tween business and inhabitants .

    办公楼和公寓楼混建,也可能造成商家和 住户 之间关系紧张。

  • Objective To study the relationship b tween of iodine and lymphocytic thyroiditis .

    目的探讨碘过 与慢性淋巴性 甲状腺炎的关系。

  • Study on the effects of nonionic surfactant Tween 80 on solution and degradation process of phenanthrene is reported .

    本实验的 目的是研究非离子型表面活性剂 吐温80 Tween80 对菲的溶解及生物降解过程的影响。

  • Also registering among the best paid : tween sensations Nick Joe and Kevin Jonas and their Disney Channel pal Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus .

    同在榜单上的还包括: 年轻组合乔纳斯三兄弟,迪士尼频道热播剧《汉娜蒙塔纳》明星麦莉-赛勒斯。

  • Ride 's company offers science camps just for tween girls .

    莱德的公司还为 年轻女生 举行科学夏令营。

  • Mr Shen says fundamental differences be ­ tween the Chinese and US markets have stymied them : self-drive is only 18 per cent of the car rental market in China compared with 90 per cent in the west .


  • Spectrophotometric determination of trace aluminum in water with xylenol orange based on sensitivity-enhancing effect of Tween 20


  • Does it achieve an acceptable balance be ­ tween the relevant language skill and integrate them so that work in one skill area helps the others ?

    教材是否在相关的语言技能和技能综合 之间达到令人满意的平衡了吗?

  • The market for Tween beauty products is growing .

    美国 少年 美容品市场正在逐步壮大。

  • The affecting law of Tween 80 promoter on the flotation behaviour of apatite is described .

    介绍了 增效 Tween80对磷灰石浮选特性的影响规律。

  • Determination of Biological Compatibility between Tween 80 and Beauveria bassiana Conidia

    不同 浓度 吐温-80与白僵菌分生孢子的相容性测定

  • The show which is banking on the power of Disney 's tween megahit franchise to bring in viewers is set to debut in June .

    这个基于迪斯尼 大卖的片子打造的真人秀节目将于六月闪亮登场。

  • The hottest tween frenzy this summer isn 't a boy band or an excessively priced American Girl doll accessory . It 's well weaving .

    今年夏天最热门的 不是哪一支男子 乐团,也不是价格昂贵的美国娃娃玩具,而是编织。

  • Qualitative and quantitative determination of tween 80 in 42 traditional Chinese medicine injections

    42种中药注射剂中 吐温80定性定量测定

  • The little boy band that could has just released a new lyric video for the song and well those lyrics feel pretty inappropriate for them to sing to their decidedly tween / Teen fanbase .

    这个小男孩乐队竟然刚刚为这首歌发布了一个新的抒情视频,好吧,这些歌词感觉非常不适合由他们来唱,因为他们的 乐迷们明显是青少年。

  • An identity fabric that provides a secure linkage be ­ tween the enterprise and the cloud while reducing the number of identities is the clear answer to enabling full-scale cloud adoption .

    能够提供企业和 云端安全连接,且减少身份数量的身份结构是加速云端全局采用的明确答案。

  • Determination of Total Iron Content by Potassium Thiocyanate Colorimetry with Tween 20 as Cosolvent

    测定水中总铁的含量以 吐温20作助溶剂的硫氰酸钾比色法

  • Surface Modification of Polyethylene Membrane by Adsorption of Tween 20 to Improve Antifouling Characteristics in a Bioreactor


  • Clean tween deck before opening lower hold .

    在开底舱之前打扫 层舱甲板。

  • Objective To overcome the disadvantage of traditional Tween test we tried to explore a new kind of method for Tween test which might improve the accuracy of classification of Malassezia species .

    目的针对传统 吐温试验中的一些不足之处,摸索一种新型的吐温试验方法,以提高马拉色菌菌种鉴定的准确性。

  • Next to force on the definition of a strict analysis the two inertial system separable force transformation be tween short and concise .

    其次对力的定义进行了严格分析, 据此 导出两惯性系间的力变换 ,简洁明了。

  • Effects of Tween and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate as Modifiers on Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanometer Copper


  • Chemiluminescence Behavior of Ce (ⅳ) - Tween 40-Tryptophan System and its Application

    Ce(Ⅳ)- 吐温40-色氨酸化学发光体系的研究与应用

  • An earthquake swarm occurred on the border be - tween Greece and Albania .

    希腊和 阿尔巴尼亚边界发生地震群。

  • Forget beauty pageants and tween talent shows modern stage parents have a new outlet to push their children into the fame game : the Internet .

    别管什么选美和 才艺比赛了,现在的爸爸妈妈可以通过网络让自己的孩子一夜成名。