




  • Tutti leapt up and ran into her arms shouting Armenia !


  • It can be retorted or transformed ; it can be used in both solo and tutti concert ; it can convey a mixture of mourn and vitality like her old styles .

    它可以反驳或转化,它可以在独奏及 合奏音乐会使用,它可以传达一种哀悼和喜欢她的老样式活力的混合物。

  • I finally said tutti where did you learn to speak such good English ?

    我最后说:“ 图蒂,你在哪儿学会这一口好英语?”

  • We returned to the shop found Tutti just home from school .

    我们返回店里,见 图蒂 放学回家。

  • Just make sure Tutti goes to university .

    只要让 图蒂上大学就行了。

  • Also with every move little Tutti has to be pulled out of school .

    此外,每 搬家, 图蒂必须转学。

  • Have a little undershirt of the craft feel of folk custom very much with the willful and graceful sentiment of tutti of seven-inch trousers .

    极具民俗手工质感的小背心,与七分裤 合奏随性的优雅情调。

  • It was in the center of a nearby village was connected to municipal water and electricity had a good school nearby for tutti was nicely located in a central place where her patients and customers could find her on foot .

    那个地点是在附近某村子的中心,连接公共水电,附近有好学校让 图蒂上学,而因为坐落于中心地带,病患与客人步行即可找到她。

  • We sit and talk and tutti draws pictures and wayan and I gossip and tease each other .

    我们坐着谈天, 图蒂画画,大姐和我闲聊家常,彼此开玩笑。

  • Tutti was four years old when she said this .


  • After which incident their firstborn child a bright little girl with the nickname of Tutti said I think you should get a divorce Mommy .

    事情过后,他们的第一个孩子&小名 图蒂的聪明小女孩说:我觉得你 该离婚,妈咪。

  • It also has chorus elocnte and solo tutti .

    既有合唱、朗诵,也有独唱、独奏与 合奏

  • She did take with her an encyclopedic knowledge of healing her goodness her work ethic and her daughter Tutti & whom she had to fight hard to keep .

    她带着博大的医疗知识、善良之心、工作道德和 图蒂&由她努力争取而来的女儿。

  • If she had a home Tutti could have a birthday party someday !

    倘若有个家, 图蒂 下次 就能 生日派对!

  • She said that Tutti had found the tile outside the construction site of a fancy hotel project down the road and had pocketed it .

    她说 图蒂在路上一个豪华饭店建筑的工地外头发现这块瓷砖,遂据为己有。

  • Ever since Tutti had found the tile she kept saying to her mother Maybe if we have a house someday it can have a pretty blue floor like this .

    打从 图蒂发现这块瓷砖,她就不断告诉母亲:哪天我们如果有房子,或许能有这种漂亮的蓝色地板。

  • For the last few years now wayan and tutti have been living on their own-all alone in the beehive of Bali !

    过去几年来,大姐和 图蒂独立生活在组织如蜂巢的巴厘岛中独自生活!

  • As Wayan and Tutti galloped around in joy I wondered what the orphans were thinking .

    大姐和 图蒂 雀跃 万分之时,我在想两名孤儿做何感想。

  • Tutti played with that tile for a long time tossing it in the air whispering to it singing to it then pushing it along the floor like it was a Matchbox car .

    图蒂 耍弄 这块瓷砖好一段时间,扔入 空中,低语、吟唱,而后像火柴盒小汽车般沿着地板推动。

  • I loved Tutti 's mother too .

    我也喜爱 图蒂的母亲。

  • Solo and tutti themes are subtly interwoven and the polyphonic texture is transparent .

    独奏和 乐队 部分 交融在一起,复调织 十分透明。

  • Tutti was always first in her class before but has slipped since the last move down to twentieth out of fifty children .

    图蒂 从前在班上总是名列前茅,但打从上回搬家后, 名次已掉到五十个学童 当中的第二十名。

  • Every time you go to the hospital you leave too much work around the house for Tutti .

    每次你进医院,都把太多家事 留给 图蒂

  • As we 're talking little Tutti just home from school is sitting on the floor drawing a picture of a house .

    在我们谈话的 同时,刚 放学回家的 图蒂坐在地板上画图,画一间房子。

  • Tutti sang and hurtled up the stairs to get them .

    图蒂唱歌 地说道,冲上楼梯取书。

  • Little Tutti was sitting on the floor drawing pictures of houses as usual .


  • Mostly houses are what Tutti draws these days .

    图蒂 近来多半画房子。

  • Then I told the whole story of Wayan and Tutti and the orphans and their situation .

    接着我讲述大姐、 图蒂、两名孤儿及其情况等这整件事情。

  • Tutti careened down the stairs arms full of books and zinged herself into her mother 's lap .
